
David Al-Dabass

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28EENatalie Eve Akam, David Al-Dabass: Semantic Mining for Language Text Analysis. Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation 2008: 415-420
27EEDavid Al-Dabass, Manling Ren: Semantic Mining Dynamics for Games Language Processing. Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation 2007: 313-319
26EEDhavalkumar Thakker, Taha Osman, David Al-Dabass: Semantic-Driven Matchmaking and Composition of Web Services Using Case-Based Reasoning. ECOWS 2007: 67-76
25EETaha Osman, Dhavalkumar Thakker, David Al-Dabass: Semantic-Driven Matchmaking of Web Services Using Case-Based Reasoning. ICWS 2006: 29-36
24EEDavid Al-Dabass, Evtim Peytchev, Mohamed Khalil, Manling Ren: Scalability issues in urban traffic systems. Infoscale 2006: 31
23EEDavid Al-Dabass, David J. Evans, Manling Ren: Observability in Hybrid Multi Agent Recurrent Nets for Natural Language Processing. HIS 2005: 506-508
22EEDavid Al-Dabass, David J. Evans, Manling Ren: A New Hybrid Methodology for Intelligent Chinese Character Recognition. HIS 2004: 104-109
21 David Al-Dabass, David J. Evans, Siva Sivayoganathan: Hierarchical Causal Parameter Abduction in Integral-Hybrid Logic Nets. FLAIRS Conference 2003: 261-265
20 Daniel Rhodes, Richard Cant, David Al-Dabass: Current Depth of Field Algorithms and Techniques for Games. GAME-ON 2003: 147-
19 Daniel Rhodes, Richard Cant, David Al-Dabass: A New Depth of Field Algorithm With Applications to Games. GAME-ON 2003: 157-
18 Julian Churchill, Richard Cant, David Al-Dabass: Genetic Search Techniques for Line Play Generation in the Game of GO. GAME-ON 2003: 233-
17EEDavid Al-Dabass, David J. Evans, Siva Sivayoganathan: Signal Processing using Hybrid Recurrent Models for Data Mining Knowledge Discovery in Financial Trajectories. SIP 2003: 456-460
16EEDavid Al-Dabass, David J. Evans, Siva Sivayoganathan: Signal parameter tracking algorithms using hybrid recurrent networks. Int. J. Comput. Math. 80(10): 1313-1322 (2003)
15 Julian Churchill, Richard Cant, David Al-Dabass: Feasibility of Distributed Parallel Simulation of AI Search Algorithms. ESM 2002: 168-171
14 R. Bardell, K. Sivayoganathan, V. Balendran, David Al-Dabass: The Analysis and Decomposition of Free-Form Surface Models. ESM 2002: 350-352
13 David Al-Dabass, David J. Evans, Siva Sivayoganathan: Analytical Models for Parameter Tracking Algorithms. ESM 2002: 527-531
12 James Flannery, Richard Cant, David Al-Dabass: A New Realistic Motion Blur Algorithm. GAME-ON 2002
11 David Murray, Paul A. Orton, David Al-Dabass: Controllable Web-based Remote Sensing Systems for Games. GAME-ON 2002
10 Ryan Doyle, Richard Cant, David Al-Dabass: Real-Time Generation of Impact Effects in Virtual Environments with Application to Games. GAME-ON 2002
9EEDavid Al-Dabass, Abdalla Zreiba, David J. Evans, Siva Sivayoganathan: Parameter Estimation Algorithms for Hierarchical Distributed Systems. Int. J. Comput. Math. 79(1): 65-88 (2002)
8EEDavid Al-Dabass, Richard Cant, Nathan Chia: AI Architectures for Games: A Review of 3D Accelerator Technology. Int. J. Intell. Games & Simulation 1(1): 18-24 (2002)
7 Nathan Chia, Richard Cant, David Al-Dabass: New Anti-Aliasing and Depth of Field Techniques for Games Graphics. GAME-ON 2001: 115-
6 Nathan Chia, Richard Cant, David Al-Dabass: A Review of 3_D Accelerator Technology for Games. GAME-ON 2001: 5-
5 Julian Churchill, Richard Cant, David Al-Dabass: A New Computational Approach to the Game of Go. GAME-ON 2001: 81-
4EEDavid Al-Dabass, P. Vindlacheruvu, David J. Evans: Parallelism in Neural Nets. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 11(3-4): 169-185 (1997)
3 David Al-Dabass, Christopher Goodwin, K. Sivayoganathan: Simulation of a Vision Steering System for Road Vehicles. EUROSIM 1995: 1247-1252
2 David Al-Dabass, P. Vindlacheruvu: Levels of Parallelism in Neural Network Algorithms. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems 1995: 308-310
1 David Al-Dabass: Microprocessor Based Parallel Computers and Their Application to the Solution of Control Algorithms. International Computing Symposium 1977: 261-270

Coauthor Index

1Natalie Eve Akam [28]
2V. Balendran [14]
3R. Bardell [14]
4Richard Cant [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [12] [15] [18] [19] [20]
5Nathan Chia [6] [7] [8]
6Julian Churchill [5] [15] [18]
7Ryan Doyle [10]
8David J. Evans [4] [9] [13] [16] [17] [21] [22] [23]
9James Flannery [12]
10Christopher Goodwin [3]
11Mohamed Khalil [24]
12David Murray [11]
13Paul A. Orton [11]
14Taha Osman [25] [26]
15Evtim Peytchev [24]
16Manling Ren [22] [23] [24] [27]
17Daniel Rhodes [19] [20]
18K. Sivayoganathan [3] [14]
19Siva Sivayoganathan [9] [13] [16] [17] [21]
20Dhavalkumar Thakker [25] [26]
21P. Vindlacheruvu [2] [4]
22Abdalla Zreiba [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)