
K. Sivayoganathan

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3EEY. Y. Yusuf, Angappa Gunasekaran, E. O. Adeleye, K. Sivayoganathan: Agile supply chain capabilities: Determinants of competitive objectives. European Journal of Operational Research 159(2): 379-392 (2004)
2 R. Bardell, K. Sivayoganathan, V. Balendran, David Al-Dabass: The Analysis and Decomposition of Free-Form Surface Models. ESM 2002: 350-352
1 David Al-Dabass, Christopher Goodwin, K. Sivayoganathan: Simulation of a Vision Steering System for Road Vehicles. EUROSIM 1995: 1247-1252

Coauthor Index

1E. O. Adeleye [3]
2David Al-Dabass [1] [2]
3V. Balendran [2]
4R. Bardell [2]
5Christopher Goodwin [1]
6Angappa Gunasekaran [3]
7Y. Y. Yusuf [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)