
Mohamed Khalil

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4EEJahanzeb Faizan, Hesham El-Rewini, Mohamed Khalil: Introducing reliability and load balancing in mobile IPv6-based networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 8(4): 483-500 (2008)
3EEEvtim Peytchev, Mohamed Khalil: Optimizing the architecture of distributed shared memory systems in real time applicatons. CompSysTech 2007: 11
2EEPearl Brereton, Barbara A. Kitchenham, David Budgen, Mark Turner, Mohamed Khalil: Lessons from applying the systematic literature review process within the software engineering domain. Journal of Systems and Software 80(4): 571-583 (2007)
1EEDavid Al-Dabass, Evtim Peytchev, Mohamed Khalil, Manling Ren: Scalability issues in urban traffic systems. Infoscale 2006: 31

Coauthor Index

1David Al-Dabass [1]
2Pearl Brereton [2]
3David Budgen [2]
4Hesham El-Rewini [4]
5Jahanzeb Faizan [4]
6Barbara A. Kitchenham (Barbara Kitchenham) [2]
7Evtim Peytchev [1] [3]
8Manling Ren [1]
9Mark Turner [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)