
Daniel Pacholczyk

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37 Mazen El-Sayed, Daniel Pacholczyk: Linguistic Modifiers and Approximate Reasoning. Applied Informatics 2003: 333-338
36EEMazen El-Sayed, Daniel Pacholczyk: Reasoning under Vagueness Expressed by Nuanced Statements. ECSQARU 2003: 382-394
35 Mazen El-Sayed, Daniel Pacholczyk: Symbolic Management of Imprecision. ICEIS (2) 2003: 66-73
34EEMazen El-Sayed, Daniel Pacholczyk: A Symbolic Approximate Reasoning under Fuzziness. IFSA 2003: 685-693
33EEMazen El-Sayed, Daniel Pacholczyk: A Symbolic Approach to Vagueness Management. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 109-119
32 Mazen El-Sayed, Daniel Pacholczyk: Qualitative Management of Vagueness Expressed in Natural Language. Modelling and Simulation 2003: 401-406
31EEMazen El-Sayed, Daniel Pacholczyk: A Symbolic Approximate Reasoning. RSFDGrC 2003: 368-373
30EEMazen El-Sayed, Daniel Pacholczyk: Towards a Symbolic Interpretation of Approximate Reasoning. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 82(4): (2003)
29EEDaniel Pacholczyk, Mohamed Quafafou, Laurent Garcia: Optimistic vs. Pessimistic Interpretation of Linguistic Negation. AIMSA 2002: 132-141
28 Mohamed Chachoua, Daniel Pacholczyk: Use of Informational Relevance in Qualitative Reasoning Under Uncertainty. IC-AI 2002: 535-541
27 Daniel Pacholczyk, Mohamed Quafafou: Towards a Linguistic Negation Approximation Based on Rough Set Theory. IC-AI 2002: 542-548
26EEMohamed Chachoua, Daniel Pacholczyk: Uncertainty Management and Informational Relevance. IEA/AIE 2002: 680-691
25EEMazen El-Sayed, Daniel Pacholczyk: A Qualitative Reasoning with Nuanced Information. JELIA 2002: 283-295
24 Mohamed Yasser Khayata, Daniel Pacholczyk, Laurent Garcia: A Qualitative Approach to Syllogistic Reasoning. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 34(1-3): 131-159 (2002)
23EEMohamed Chachoua, Daniel Pacholczyk: Qualitative Reasoning Under Ignorance and Information-Relevant Extraction. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 4(4): 483-506 (2002)
22EEMohamed Yasser Khayata, Daniel Pacholczyk: Qualitative Reasoning with Quantified Assertions. AMAI 2000
21 Mohamed Chachoua, Daniel Pacholczyk: A Semantic Model for Qualitative Reasoning under Ignorance. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 2000: 259-266
20EEDaniel Pacholczyk, Florence Dupin de Saint-Cyr: An Intelligent System Dealing with Complex Nuanced Information within a Statistical Context. ISMIS 2000: 543-551
19 Mohamed Chachoua, Daniel Pacholczyk: A Symbolic Approach To Uncertainty Management. Appl. Intell. 13(3): 265-283 (2000)
18EEDaniel Pacholczyk: An Extension of a Linguistic Negation Model Allowing Us to Deny Nuanced Property Combinations. ESCQARU 1999: 316-327
17 Daniel Pacholczyk: A More Powerful Concept of Linguistic Negation Dealing with Nuanced Information. IC-AI 1999: 122-128
16 Daniel Pacholczyk: Towards an Affirmative Interpretation of Linguistically Denied Fuzzy Properties in Knowledge-Based Systems. IEA/AIE 1999: 43-53
15 Daniel Pacholczyk: Towards an Intelligent System Dealing with Nuanced Information Expressed in Affirmative or Negative Forms. ISMIS 1999: 181-189
14EEDaniel Pacholczyk: A New Approach to Linguistic Negation of Nuanced Information in Knowledge-Based Systems. AIMSA 1998: 363-376
13 Daniel Pacholczyk: A New Approach to the Intended Meaning of Negative Information. ECAI 1998: 114-118
12 Mohamed Chachoua, Daniel Pacholczyk: Qualitative Reasoning under Uncertainty. FLAIRS Conference 1998: 415-419
11 Mohamed Chachoua, Daniel Pacholczyk: Qualitative Reasoning under Uncertain Knowledge. IEA/AIE (Vol. 1) 1998: 377-386
10EEDaniel Pacholczyk: A New Approach to Linguistic Negation Based upon Compatibility Level and Tolerance Threshold. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 1998: 416-423
9 Daniel Pacholczyk: Towards a Qualitative Representation of Linguistic Negation of Nuanced Properties. AI*IA 1997: 393-404
8 Daniel Pacholczyk: A Fuzzy Analysis of Linguistic Negation of Nuanced Property in Knowledge-Based Systems. ECSQARU-FAPR 1997: 451-465
7 Daniel Pacholczyk: About Linguistic Negation of Nuanced Property in Declarative Modeling in Image Synthesis. Fuzzy Days 1997: 229-240
6 Daniel Pacholczyk: An Intelligent System Dealing with Negative Information. ISMIS 1997: 467-476
5 Daniel Pacholczyk, Gilles Hunault: Qualitative Reasoning under Uncertainty with Symbolic Probabilities. KI 1996: 321-325
4 Daniel Pacholczyk: Qualitative Reasoning Under Uncertainty. EPIA 1995: 297-309
3 Daniel Pacholczyk, Jean-Marc Pacholczyk, Gilles Hunault: Explicit Management of the Natural Language Uncertainty via a Logico-Symbolic Probability Theory. WOCFAI 1995: 295-306
2 Daniel Pacholczyk, Jean-Marc Pacholczyk: Une approche logique de la non-monotonie. JFPL 1993: 129-153
1 Herman Akdag, Michel De Glas, Daniel Pacholczyk: A qualitative theory of uncertainty. Fundam. Inform. 17(4): 333-362 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Herman Akdag [1]
2Florence Bannay (Florence Dupin de Saint-Cyr) [20]
3Mohamed Chachoua [11] [12] [19] [21] [23] [26] [28]
4Mazen El-Sayed [25] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37]
5Laurent Garcia [24] [29]
6Michel De Glas [1]
7Gilles Hunault [3] [5]
8Mohamed Yasser Khayata [22] [24]
9Jean-Marc Pacholczyk [2] [3]
10Mohamed Quafafou [27] [29]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)