Efficient and Effective Clustering Methods for Spatial Data Mining.

Raymond T. Ng, Jiawei Han: Efficient and Effective Clustering Methods for Spatial Data Mining. VLDB 1994: 144-155
  author    = {Raymond T. Ng and
               Jiawei Han},
  editor    = {Jorge B. Bocca and
               Matthias Jarke and
               Carlo Zaniolo},
  title     = {Efficient and Effective Clustering Methods for Spatial Data Mining},
  booktitle = {VLDB'94, Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Very
               Large Data Bases, September 12-15, 1994, Santiago de Chile, Chile},
  publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
  year      = {1994},
  isbn      = {1-55860-153-8},
  pages     = {144-155},
  ee        = {db/conf/vldb/vldb94-144.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/vldb/94},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


Spatial data mining is the discovery of interesting relationships and characteristics that may exist implicitly in spatial databases. In this paper, we explore whether clustering methods have a role to play in spatial data mining. To this end, we develop a new clustering method called CLARANS which is based on randomized search. We also develop two spatial data mining algorithms that use CLARANS. Our analysis and experiments show that with the assistance of CLARANS, these two algorithms are very effective and can lead to discoveries that are difficult to find with current spatial data mining algorithms. Furthermore, experiments conducted to compare the performance of CLARANS with that of existing clustering methods show that CLARANS is the most efficient.

Copyright © 1994 by the VLDB Endowment. Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the VLDB copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by the permission of the Very Large Data Base Endowment. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or special permission from the Endowment.

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ACM SIGMOD Anthology

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Printed Edition

Jorge B. Bocca, Matthias Jarke, Carlo Zaniolo (Eds.): VLDB'94, Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, September 12-15, 1994, Santiago de Chile, Chile. Morgan Kaufmann 1994, ISBN 1-55860-153-8
Contents BibTeX


Rakesh Agrawal, Sakti P. Ghosh, Tomasz Imielinski, Balakrishna R. Iyer, Arun N. Swami: An Interval Classifier for Database Mining Applications. VLDB 1992: 560-573 BibTeX
Rakesh Agrawal, Tomasz Imielinski, Arun N. Swami: Mining Association Rules between Sets of Items in Large Databases. SIGMOD Conference 1993: 207-216 BibTeX
Walid G. Aref, Hanan Samet: Optimization for Spatial Query Processing. VLDB 1991: 81-90 BibTeX
Alexander Borgida, Ronald J. Brachman: Loading Data into Description Reasoners. SIGMOD Conference 1993: 217-226 BibTeX
Thomas Brinkhoff, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Bernhard Seeger: Efficient Processing of Spatial Joins Using R-Trees. SIGMOD Conference 1993: 237-246 BibTeX
Oliver Günther: Efficient Computation of Spatial Joins. ICDE 1993: 50-59 BibTeX
Jiawei Han, Yandong Cai, Nick Cercone: Knowledge Discovery in Databases: An Attribute-Oriented Approach. VLDB 1992: 547-559 BibTeX
Yannis E. Ioannidis, Younkyung Cha Kang: Randomized Algorithms for Optimizing Large Join Queries. SIGMOD Conference 1990: 312-321 BibTeX
Yannis E. Ioannidis, Eugene Wong: Query Optimization by Simulated Annealing. SIGMOD Conference 1987: 9-22 BibTeX
Daniel A. Keim, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Thomas Seidl: Supporting Data Mining of Large Databases by Visual Feedback Queries. ICDE 1994: 302-313 BibTeX
Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro, William J. Frawley (Eds.): Knowledge Discovery in Databases. AAAI/MIT Press 1991, ISBN 0-262-62080-4
Contents BibTeX
Hanan Samet: The Design and Analysis of Spatial Data Structures. Addison-Wesley 1990

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