2007 |
35 | | Alexander Hinneburg:
LWA 2007: Lernen - Wissen - Adaption, Halle, September 2007, Workshop Proceedings
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg 2007 |
34 | EE | Alexander Hinneburg,
Andrea Porzel,
Karina Wolfram:
An Evaluation of Text Retrieval Methods for Similarity Search of Multi-dimensional NMR-Spectra.
BIRD 2007: 424-438 |
33 | EE | Björn Egert,
Steffen Neumann,
Alexander Hinneburg:
Fast Approximate Duplicate Detection for 2D-NMR Spectra.
DILS 2007: 139-155 |
32 | | Sebastian Klie,
Lennart Martens,
Juan Antonio Vizcaino,
Richard G. Côté,
Philip Jones,
Rolf Apweiler,
Alexander Hinneburg,
Henning Hermjakob:
An Application of Latent Topic Document Analysis to Large-Scale Proteomics Databases.
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2007: 174-184 |
31 | EE | Alexander Hinneburg,
Hans-Henning Gabriel,
Andrè Gohr:
Bayesian Folding-In with Dirichlet Kernels for PLSI.
ICDM 2007: 499-504 |
30 | EE | Alexander Hinneburg,
Hans-Henning Gabriel:
DENCLUE 2.0: Fast Clustering Based on Kernel Density Estimation.
IDA 2007: 70-80 |
29 | | Alexander Hinneburg,
Ralf Klinkenberg,
Ingo Mierswa,
Stefan Posch,
Steffen Neumann:
Workshop on Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, and Machine Learning and Workshop on Bioinformatics.
LWA 2007: 12 |
28 | | Alexander Hinneburg,
Hans-Henning Gabriel:
Clustering using EM-based Hill-Climbing on Kernel Density Estimation.
LWA 2007: 44-49 |
27 | | Sebastian Klie,
Alexander Hinneburg,
Lennart Martens,
Juan Antonio Vizcaino,
Richard G. Côté,
Philip Jones,
Rolf Apweiler,
Henning Hermjakob:
Analysing latent topics in large-scale proteomics.
LWA 2007: 73-80 |
26 | EE | Alexander Hinneburg,
Björn Egert,
Andrea Porzel:
Duplicate detection of 2D-NMR Spectra.
J. Integrative Bioinformatics 4(1): (2007) |
2006 |
25 | | Stefan Brass,
Alexander Hinneburg:
Tagungsband zum 18. GI-Workshop über Grundlagen von Datenbanken (18th GI-Workshop on the Foundations of Databases), Wittenberg, Sachsen-Anhalt, 6.-9. Juni 2006
Institute of Computer Science, Martin-Luther-University 2006 |
24 | EE | Alexander Hinneburg,
Andrea Porzel,
Karina Wolfram:
An Evaluation of Text Retrieval Methods for Similarity Search of multi-dimensional NMR-Spectra.
LWA 2006: 282-289 |
23 | EE | Karina Wolfram,
Andrea Porzel,
Alexander Hinneburg:
Similarity Search for Multi-dimensional NMR-Spectra of Natural Products.
PKDD 2006: 650-658 |
2005 |
22 | EE | Aristides Gionis,
Alexander Hinneburg,
Spiros Papadimitriou,
Panayiotis Tsaparas:
Dimension induced clustering.
KDD 2005: 51-60 |
21 | | Aristides Gionis,
Alexander Hinneburg,
Spiros Papadimitriou,
Panayiotis Tsaparas:
Dimension Induced Clustering.
LWA 2005: 109-110 |
20 | | Dirk Habich,
Wolfgang Lehner,
Alexander Hinneburg:
Optimizing Multiple Top-K Queries over Joins.
SSDBM 2005: 195-204 |
2004 |
19 | EE | Martin Heczko,
Alexander Hinneburg,
Daniel A. Keim,
Markus Wawryniuk:
Multiresolution similarity search in image databases.
Multimedia Syst. 10(1): 28-40 (2004) |
2003 |
18 | EE | Alexander Hinneburg,
Dirk Habich:
Ähnlichkeitssuche in Musik-Datenbanken mit Hilfe von Visualisierungen.
BTW 2003: 207-216 |
17 | | Alexander Hinneburg,
Daniel A. Keim:
Visual interaction to solving complex optimization problems.
Data Visualization: The State of the Art 2003: 407-422 |
16 | EE | Alexander Hinneburg,
Daniel A. Keim,
Markus Wawryniuk:
HD-Eye - Visual Clustering of High dimensional Data.
ICDE 2003: 753-755 |
15 | EE | Alexander Hinneburg,
Wolfgang Lehner:
Database Support for 3D-Protein Data Set Analysis.
SSDBM 2003: 161-170 |
14 | EE | Alexander Hinneburg,
Wolfgang Lehner,
Dirk Habich:
COMBI-Operator: Database Support for Data Mining Applications.
VLDB 2003: 429-439 |
13 | EE | Alexander Hinneburg,
Daniel A. Keim:
A General Approach to Clustering in Large Databases with Noise.
Knowl. Inf. Syst. 5(4): 387-415 (2003) |
2002 |
12 | | Daniel A. Keim,
Martin Heczko,
Alexander Hinneburg,
Markus Wawryniuk:
Multi-Resolution Similarity Search in Image Databases.
Multimedia Information Systems 2002: 76-85 |
11 | EE | Alexander Hinneburg,
Daniel A. Keim,
Markus Wawryniuk:
HD-Eye: visual clustering of high dimensional data.
SIGMOD Conference 2002: 629 |
2001 |
10 | EE | Charu C. Aggarwal,
Alexander Hinneburg,
Daniel A. Keim:
On the Surprising Behavior of Distance Metrics in High Dimensional Spaces.
ICDT 2001: 420-434 |
2000 |
9 | | Alexander Hinneburg,
Daniel A. Keim,
Wolfgang Brandt:
Clustering 3D-structures of Small Aminoacid-chains for Detecting Dependence from Their Sequential Context in Proteins.
BIBE 2000: 43-49 |
8 | EE | Alexander Hinneburg:
High Dimensional Clustering on Large Data Sets.
EDBT PhD Workshop 2000 |
7 | EE | Alexander Hinneburg,
Charu C. Aggarwal,
Daniel A. Keim:
What Is the Nearest Neighbor in High Dimensional Spaces?
VLDB 2000: 506-515 |
6 | EE | Daniel A. Keim,
Alexander Hinneburg:
Interesting KDD-News from SIGMOD'99.
SIGKDD Explorations 1(2): 117 (2000) |
1999 |
5 | EE | Daniel A. Keim,
Alexander Hinneburg:
Clustering Techniques for Large Data Sets - from the Past to the Future.
KDD Tutorial Notes 1999: 141-181 |
4 | EE | Alexander Hinneburg,
Daniel A. Keim:
Clustering Methods for Large Databases: From the Past to the Future.
SIGMOD Conference 1999: 509 |
3 | EE | Alexander Hinneburg,
Daniel A. Keim:
Optimal Grid-Clustering: Towards Breaking the Curse of Dimensionality in High-Dimensional Clustering.
VLDB 1999: 506-517 |
1998 |
2 | | Alexander Hinneburg,
Daniel A. Keim,
Wolfgang Brandt:
Detecting relationships between amino acid residue sequences and 3D protein structures based on a new class of rotamer libraries.
German Conference on Bioinformatics 1998 |
1 | | Alexander Hinneburg,
Daniel A. Keim:
An Efficient Approach to Clustering in Large Multimedia Databases with Noise.
KDD 1998: 58-65 |