Supporting Flat Relations by a Nested Relational Kernel.

Marc H. Scholl, H.-Bernhard Paul, Hans-Jörg Schek: Supporting Flat Relations by a Nested Relational Kernel. VLDB 1987: 137-146
  author    = {Marc H. Scholl and
               H.-Bernhard Paul and
               Hans-J{\"o}rg Schek},
  editor    = {Peter M. Stocker and
               William Kent and
               Peter Hammersley},
  title     = {Supporting Flat Relations by a Nested Relational Kernel},
  booktitle = {VLDB'87, Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Very
               Large Data Bases, September 1-4, 1987, Brighton, England},
  publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
  year      = {1987},
  isbn      = {0-934613-46-X},
  pages     = {137-146},
  ee        = {db/conf/vldb/SchollPS87.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/vldb/87},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


While a variety of sophisticated physial database design techniques has been devised in research, only very limited capabilities are available in practice. This is mostly due to the fact, that designing internal layouts differing from the logical view is not transparent to the user. We present a more general two-level solution: Our database kernel offers hierarchical clustering expressed as nested (NF2) relations. Flat relations,resulting from logical database design, are then mapped to this internal kernel interface. We show, how the various physical structuring approaches can be expressed in this model. Physical database design for a flat relational front-end can then be described formally within the (NF2) relational model. The important aspect of join support is pursued by materializing some joins in nested relations without any redundancy. Select-project-join queries on the logical schema can be transformed to efficiently processible internal queries by applying algebraic optimization techniques, known e.g. from view optimization. Preliminary performance evaluations are reported that were carried out on commercially available systems and solicited our expectations.

Copyright © 1987 by the VLDB Endowment. Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the VLDB copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by the permission of the Very Large Data Base Endowment. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or special permission from the Endowment.

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Printed Edition

Peter M. Stocker, William Kent, Peter Hammersley (Eds.): VLDB'87, Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, September 1-4, 1987, Brighton, England. Morgan Kaufmann 1987, ISBN 0-934613-46-X
Contents BibTeX


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Morton M. Astrahan, Mike W. Blasgen, Donald D. Chamberlin, Kapali P. Eswaran, Jim Gray, Patricia P. Griffiths, W. Frank King III, Raymond A. Lorie, Paul R. McJones, James W. Mehl, Gianfranco R. Putzolu, Irving L. Traiger, Bradford W. Wade, Vera Watson: System R: Relational Approach to Database Management. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 1(2): 97-137(1976) BibTeX
Morton M. Astrahan, Mario Schkolnick, Won Kim: Performance of the System R Access Path Selection Mechanism. IFIP Congress 1980: 487-491 BibTeX
Alfred V. Aho, Yehoshua Sagiv, Jeffrey D. Ullman: Equivalences Among Relational Expressions. SIAM J. Comput. 8(2): 218-246(1979) BibTeX
Don S. Batory: GENESIS: A Project to Develop an Extensible Database Management System. OODBS 1986: 207-208 BibTeX
Don S. Batory, Alejandro P. Buchmann: Molecular Objects, Abstract Data Types, and Data Models: A Framework. VLDB 1984: 172-184 BibTeX
Donald D. Chamberlin, Morton M. Astrahan, Mike W. Blasgen, Jim Gray, W. Frank King III, Bruce G. Lindsay, Raymond A. Lorie, James W. Mehl, Thomas G. Price, Gianfranco R. Putzolu, Patricia G. Selinger, Mario Schkolnick, Donald R. Slutz, Irving L. Traiger, Bradford W. Wade, Robert A. Yost: A History and Evaluation of System R. Commun. ACM 24(10): 632-646(1981) BibTeX
Stefano Ceri, Shamkant B. Navathe, Gio Wiederhold: Distribution Design of Logical Database Schemas. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 9(4): 487-504(1983) BibTeX
Peter Dadam, Klaus Küspert, F. Andersen, Henk M. Blanken, R. Erbe, Jürgen Günauer, Vincent Y. Lum, Peter Pistor, Georg Walch: A DBMS Prototype to Support Extended NF2 Relations: An Integrated View on Flat Tables and Hierarchies. SIGMOD Conference 1986: 356-367 BibTeX
Uwe Deppisch, Jürgen Günauer, Georg Walch: Speicherungsstrukturen und Adressierungstechniken für komplexe Objekte des NF2-Relationenmodells. BTW 1985: 441-459 BibTeX
Uwe Deppisch, H.-Bernhard Paul, Hans-Jörg Schek: A Storage System for Complex Objects. OODBS 1986: 183-195 BibTeX
Theo Härder: Implementing a Generalized Access Path Structure for a Relational Database System. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 3(3): 285-298(1978) BibTeX
Tobin J. Lehman, Michael J. Carey: A Study of Index Structures for Main Memory Database Management Systems. VLDB 1986: 294-303 BibTeX
Bruce G. Lindsay, John McPherson, Hamid Pirahesh: A Data Management Extension Architecture. SIGMOD Conference 1987: 220-226 BibTeX
David Maier: The Theory of Relational Databases. Computer Science Press 1983, ISBN 0-914894-42-0
Contents BibTeX
Bernhard Mitschang: MAD - ein Datenmodell für den Kern eines Non-Standard-Datenbanksystems. BTW 1987: 180-195 BibTeX
Salvatore T. March, Dennis G. Severance: The Determination of Efficient Record Segmentations and Blocking Factors for Shared Data Files. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 2(3): 279-296(1977) BibTeX
Shamkant B. Navathe, Stefano Ceri, Gio Wiederhold, Jinglie Dou: Vertical Partitioning Algorithms for Database Design. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 9(4): 680-710(1984) BibTeX
Nikolaus Ott, Klaus K. Horländer: Removing redundant join operations in queries involving views. Inf. Syst. 10(3): 279-288(1985) BibTeX
Peter Pistor, F. Andersen: Designing A Generalized NF2 Model with an SQL-Type Language Interface. VLDB 1986: 278-285 BibTeX
H.-Bernhard Paul, Hans-Jörg Schek, Marc H. Scholl, Gerhard Weikum, Uwe Deppisch: Architecture and Implementation of the Darmstadt Database Kernel System. SIGMOD Conference 1987: 196-207 BibTeX
Mark A. Roth, Henry F. Korth, Don S. Batory: SQL/NF: a query language for ¬1 NF relational databases. Inf. Syst. 12(1): 99-114(1987) BibTeX
Mark A. Roth, Henry F. Korth, Abraham Silberschatz: Extended Algebra and Calculus for Nested Relational Databases. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 13(4): 389-417(1988) BibTeX
Lawrence A. Rowe: A Shared Object Hierarchy. OODBS 1986: 160-170 BibTeX
Hans-Jörg Schek: Towards A Basic Relational NF² Algebra Processor. FODO 1985: 549-562 BibTeX
Mario Schkolnick: The Optimal Selection of Secondary Indices for Files. Inf. Syst. 1(4): 141-146(1975) BibTeX
Marc H. Scholl: Theoretical Foundation of Algebraic Optimization Utilizing Unnormalized Relations. ICDT 1986: 380-396 BibTeX
Michael Stonebraker, Lawrence A. Rowe: Database Portals: A New Application Program Interface. VLDB 1984: 3-13 BibTeX
Hans-Jörg Schek, Marc H. Scholl: The relational model with relation-valued attributes. Inf. Syst. 11(2): 137-147(1986) BibTeX
Jeffrey D. Ullman: Principles of Database Systems, 2nd Edition. Computer Science Press 1982, ISBN 0-914894-36-6
Gerhard Weikum, Bernd Neumann, H.-Bernhard Paul: Konzeption und Realisierung einer mengenorientierten Seitenschnittstelle zum effizienten Zugriff auf Komplexe Objekte. BTW 1987: 212-230 BibTeX
Eugene Wong, Karel Youssefi: Decomposition - A Strategy for Query Processing. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 1(3): 223-241(1976) BibTeX

Referenced by

  1. Gunter Saake, Andreas Heuer: Datenbanken: Implementierungstechniken. MITP-Verlag 1999, ISBN 3-8266-0513-6
  2. César A. Galindo-Legaria, Arnon Rosenthal: Outerjoin Simplification and Reordering for Query Optimization. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 22(1): 43-73(1997)
  3. Akira Kawaguchi, Daniel F. Lieuwen, Inderpal Singh Mumick, Kenneth A. Ross: Implementing Incremental View Maintenance in Nested Data Models. DBPL 1997: 202-221
  4. Lars Bækgaard, Leo Mark: Incremental Computation of Nested Relational Query Expressions. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 20(2): 111-148(1995)
  5. Gautam Bhargava, Piyush Goel, Balakrishna R. Iyer: Hypergraph Based Reorderings of Outer Join Queries with Complex Predicates. SIGMOD Conference 1995: 304-315
  6. Goetz Graefe: Query Evaluation Techniques for Large Databases. ACM Comput. Surv. 25(2): 73-170(1993)
  7. Jan Paredaens, Dirk Van Gucht: Converting Nested Algebra Expressions into Flat Algebra Expressions. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 17(1): 65-93(1992)
  8. César A. Galindo-Legaria, Arnon Rosenthal: How to Extend a Conventional Optimizer to Handle One- and Two-Sided Outerjoin. ICDE 1992: 402-409
  9. Hans-Jörg Schek, Marc H. Scholl, Gerhard Weikum: The Background of the DASDBS & COSMOS Projects. MFDBS 1991: 377-388
  10. Hans-Jörg Schek, H.-Bernhard Paul, Marc H. Scholl, Gerhard Weikum: The DASDBS Project: Objectives, Experiences, and Future Prospects. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 2(1): 25-43(1990)
  11. Arnon Rosenthal, César A. Galindo-Legaria: Query Graphs, Implementing Trees, and Freely-Reorderable Outerjoins. SIGMOD Conference 1990: 291-299
  12. Marc H. Scholl, Hans-Jörg Schek: A Relational Object Model. ICDT 1990: 89-105
  13. Fernando Vélez, Guy Bernard, Vineeta Darnis: The O2 Object Manager: an Overview. VLDB 1989: 357-366
  14. Latha S. Colby: A Recursive Algebra and Query Optimization for Nested Relations. SIGMOD Conference 1989: 273-283
  15. Jan Paredaens, Dirk Van Gucht: Possibilities and Limitations of Using Flat Operators in Nested Algebra Expressions. PODS 1988: 29-38
  16. Catriel Beeri, Hans-Jörg Schek, Gerhard Weikum: Multi-Level Transaction Management, Theoretical Art or Practical Need ? EDBT 1988: 134-154
  17. H.-Bernhard Paul, Hans-Jörg Schek, Marc H. Scholl, Gerhard Weikum, Uwe Deppisch: Architecture and Implementation of the Darmstadt Database Kernel System. SIGMOD Conference 1987: 196-207
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