An Approach to Data Communication between Different Generalized Data Base Management Systems.

E. Nahouraii, L. O. Brooks, Alfonso F. Cardenas: An Approach to Data Communication between Different Generalized Data Base Management Systems. VLDB 1976: 117-142
  author    = {E. Nahouraii and
               L. O. Brooks and
               Alfonso F. Cardenas},
  editor    = {Peter C. Lockemann and
               Erich J. Neuhold},
  title     = {An Approach to Data Communication between Different Generalized
               Data Base Management Systems},
  booktitle = {Systems for Large Data Bases, September 8-10, 1976, Brussels,
  publisher = {North Holland {\&} IFIP},
  year      = {1976},
  isbn      = {0-7204-0546-7},
  pages     = {117-142},
  ee        = {db/conf/vldb/NahouraiiBC76.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/vldb/76},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


A number of data base management systems (DBMS) are now in operation in industry, government and the academic world. However, since most of these DBMSs have different conceptual and internal mo- dels, they cannot interact and exchange information in a network environment.

This report discusses some of the problems and provides a methodology for communicating and exchanging information between hetrogeneous models of data or DBMSs that are commercially available.

Copyright © 1976 by International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP).

ACM SIGMOD Anthology

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Printed Edition

Peter C. Lockemann, Erich J. Neuhold (Eds.): Systems for Large Data Bases, September 8-10, 1976, Brussels, Belgium. North Holland & IFIP 1976, ISBN 0-7204-0546-7
Contents BibTeX


Arie Shoshani: A Logical-Level Approach to Data Base Conversion. SIGMOD Conference 1975: 112-122 BibTeX
Barron C. Housel, Diane C. P. Smith, Nan C. Shu, Vincent Y. Lum: DEFINE: A Non-Procedural Data Description Language for Defining Information Easily. ACM Pacific 1975: 62-70 BibTeX
Nan C. Shu, Barron C. Housel, Vincent Y. Lum: CONVERT: A High Level Translation Definition Language for Data Conversion (Abstract). SIGMOD Conference 1975: 111 BibTeX
Nan C. Shu: An Approach to Data Migration in Computer Networks. Berkeley Workshop 1976: 197- BibTeX
Morton M. Astrahan, Edward B. Altman, P. L. Fehder, Michael E. Senko: Concepts of a Data Independent Accessing Model. SIGFIDET Workshop 1972: 349-362 BibTeX
Morton M. Astrahan, Edward B. Altman, P. L. Fehder, Michael E. Senko: Specifications in a Data Independent Accessing Model. SIGFIDET Workshop 1972: 363-382 BibTeX
Wesley W. Chu, E. Nahouraii: File Directory Design Considerations for Distributed Data Bases. VLDB 1975: 543-545 BibTeX

Referenced by

  1. Lynn A. Hollabaugh, Lewis T. Reinwald: GPI: A Statistical Package/Data Base Interface. SSDBM 1981: 78-87
  2. Alfonso F. Cardenas, Mir Hamid Pirahesh: The E-R Model in a Heterogeneous Data Base Management System Network Architecture. ER 1979: 577-584
  3. Michel E. Adiba, Jean-Yves Caleca, Christian Euzet: A Distributed Data Base System Using Logical Relational Machines. VLDB 1978: 450-461
  4. Michel E. Adiba, Jean-Claude Chupin, Robert Demolombe, Georges Gardarin, Jean Le Bihan: Issues in Distributed Data Base Management Systems: A Technical Overview. VLDB 1978: 89-110
  5. C. R. Spath, L. S. Schneider: A Generalized End-User Facility Architecture for Relational Database Systems. VLDB 1977: 359-369
  6. Daniel Sagalowicz: IDA: An Intelligent Data Access Program. VLDB 1977: 293-302
  7. Tosiyasu L. Kunii, Hideko S. Kunii: Design Criteria for Distributed Database Systems. VLDB 1977: 93-104
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