
Hideko S. Kunii

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6 Hideko S. Kunii, Sushil Jajodia, Arne Sølvberg: Conceptual Modeling - ER 2001, 20th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Yokohama, Japan, November 27-30, 2001, Proceedings Springer 2001
5EETakako Hashimoto, Yukari Shirota, Atsushi Iizawa, Hideko S. Kunii: Personalized Digests of Sports Programs Using Intuitive Retrieval and Semantic Analysis. ER 2000: 584-585
4EETosiyasu L. Kunii, Hideko S. Kunii: A Cellular Model for Information Systems on the Web-Integrating Local and Global Information. DANTE 1999: 19-
3 Sukho Lee, Hideko S. Kunii, Won Kim, In Sup Paik, Yahiko Kambayashi: International Symposium on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Seoul, Korea, April 10-12, 1989 Dept. of Computer Science, KAIST, P.O. Box 150, ChongRyang, Seoul, 131-650, Korea 1989
2EEWon Kim, Yahiko Kambayashi, Hideko S. Kunii, Yoon-Joon Lee, Sang Hyuk Son, Gio Wiederhold: Impacts of Advanced Applications on Databases (Panel Abstract). DASFAA 1989: 69
1EETosiyasu L. Kunii, Hideko S. Kunii: Design Criteria for Distributed Database Systems. VLDB 1977: 93-104

Coauthor Index

1Takako Hashimoto [5]
2Atsushi Iizawa [5]
3Sushil Jajodia [6]
4Yahiko Kambayashi [2] [3]
5Won Kim [2] [3]
6Tosiyasu L. Kunii [1] [4]
7Sukho Lee [3]
8Yoon-Joon Lee [2]
9In Sup Paik [3]
10Yukari Shirota [5]
11Arne Sølvberg [6]
12Sang Hyuk Son [2]
13Gio Wiederhold [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)