
Barron C. Housel

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20EEBarron C. Housel, Ian Shields: Emulator Express: A system for optimizing emulator performance for wireless networks. IBM Systems Journal 39(2): 384- (2000)
19EEBarron C. Housel, Ian Shields: Accelerating Telnet Performance in Wireless Networks. MobiDE 1999: 69-76
18 Barron C. Housel, George Samaras, David B. Lindquist: WebExpress: A Client/Intercept Based System for Optimizing Web Browsing in a Wireless Environment. MONET 3(4): 419-431 (1998)
17EEHenry Chang, Carl D. Tait, Norman H. Cohen, Moshe Shapiro, Steve Mastrianni, Rick Floyd, Barron C. Housel, David B. Lindquist: Web Browsing in a Wireless Environment: Disconnected and Asynchronous Operation in ARTour Web Express. MOBICOM 1997: 260-269
16EEBarron C. Housel, David B. Lindquist: WebExpress: A System for Optimizing Web Browsing in a Wireless Environment. MOBICOM 1996: 108-116
15 S. Bing Yao, Vance E. Waddle, Barron C. Housel: An Interactive System for Database Design and Integration. Principles of Database Design (I) 1985: 325-360
14 Barron C. Housel, Carol J. Scopinich: SNA Distribution Services. IBM Systems Journal 22(4): 319-343 (1983)
13 Barron C. Housel: QUEST: A High-Level Query Language for Network, Hierarchical, and Relational Databases. JCDKB 1982: 95-119
12 S. Bing Yao, Vance E. Waddle, Barron C. Housel: View Modeling and Integration Using the Functional Data Model. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 8(6): 544-553 (1982)
11EEBarron C. Housel, Vance E. Waddle, S. Bing Yao: The Functional Dependency Model for Logical Database Design. VLDB 1979: 194-208
10EEBarron C. Housel: Pipelining: A Technique for Implementing Data Restructurers. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 4(4): 470-492 (1979)
9EEBarron C. Housel: A Unified Approach to Program and Data Conversion. VLDB 1977: 327-336
8EEBarron C. Housel, Alan G. Merten: A Note on the Survey: ``Future of Database Technology''. VLDB 1977: 568-570
7EENan C. Shu, Barron C. Housel, Robert W. Taylor, Sakti P. Ghosh, Vincent Y. Lum: EXPRESS: A Data EXtraction, Processing, amd REStructuring System. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 2(2): 134-174 (1977)
6EEBarron C. Housel, Nan C. Shu: A High-Level Data Manipulation Language for Hierarchical Data Structures. Conference on Data: Abstraction, Definition and Structure 1976: 155-169
5 Vincent Y. Lum, Nan C. Shu, Barron C. Housel: A General Methodology for Data Conversion and Restructuring. IBM Journal of Research and Development 20(5): 483-497 (1976)
4 Barron C. Housel, Diane C. P. Smith, Nan C. Shu, Vincent Y. Lum: DEFINE: A Non-Procedural Data Description Language for Defining Information Easily. ACM Pacific 1975: 62-70
3EENan C. Shu, Barron C. Housel, Vincent Y. Lum: CONVERT: A High Level Translation Definition Language for Data Conversion (Abstract). SIGMOD Conference 1975: 111
2 Nan C. Shu, Barron C. Housel, Vincent Y. Lum: CONVERT: A High Level Translation Definition Language for Data Conversion. Commun. ACM 18(10): 557-567 (1975)
1EEBarron C. Housel, Vincent Y. Lum, Nan C. Shu: Architecture to An Interactive Migration System (AIMS). SIGMOD Workshop, Vol. 1 1974: 157-169

Coauthor Index

1Henry Chang [17]
2Norman H. Cohen [17]
3Rick Floyd [17]
4Sakti P. Ghosh [7]
5David B. Lindquist [16] [17] [18]
6Vincent Y. Lum [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
7Steve Mastrianni [17]
8Alan G. Merten [8]
9George Samaras [18]
10Carol J. Scopinich [14]
11Moshe Shapiro [17]
12Ian Shields [19] [20]
13Nan C. Shu [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
14Diane C. P. Smith [4]
15Carl D. Tait [17]
16Robert W. Taylor [7]
17Vance E. Waddle [11] [12] [15]
18S. Bing Yao [11] [12] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)