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ACM Pacific 1975: San Francisco, California

Data: Its Use, Organization and Management: ACM Pacific 75, Sheraton-Palace Hotel, San Francisco, California, April 17-18, 1975. ACM, New York 1975

Data Management Software and Hardware: The State of the Art Today and Tomorrow

Relational Systems

Advances in Data Management Techniques I: Optimization Techniques

Advances in Data Management Techniques II: The Structure and Translation of Data

Data Management Applications

Data Base Languages

Analysis and Display of Data

Data Base Administration

Management of Data Security

Data Communication Networks

Banquet Luncheon Lecture

Acknowledgement: the information on this page was provided by Paul M. Aoki
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DBLP: Copyright © by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de), last change: Sat May 16 23:32:16 2009