
Lars Oestreicher

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8EELars Oestreicher: Knowledge Management for Robot Activities in a Real World Context. A Case for Task Pattern Analysis (TAPAS). KES (2) 2005: 422-429
7 Konrad Baumann, Paula Kotzé, Lars Oestreicher, Matthias Rauterberg: IFIP WG 13.1 on Education in HCI and HCI Curriculum: Teaching HCI - Looking at Other Disciplines. INTERACT 2003
6 Lars Oestreicher: Task Patterns for Human-Robot Interaction. TAMODIA 2002: 96-103
5 Paula Kotzé, Lars Oestreicher: Teaching Human-Computer Interaction: Qualitative Support for an Alternative Approach. Usability 2002: 267-281
4EEAnne Håkansson, Lars Oestreicher, Torsten Jonsson, Andreas Hamfelt: ViCoLL - a Visual Compositional Logic Language. HCC 2001: 394-395
3 Lars Oestreicher, Matthias Rauterberg, Michael J. Tauber: HCI - world wide. INTERACT 1997: 691-692
2 Lars Oestreicher: Logic descriptions in rapid prototyping of applications. INTERACT 1990: 1029-1030
1 Gerrit C. van der Veer, Stephen Guest, Willem F. G. Haselager, Peter Innocent, Eddy McDaid, Lars Oestreicher, Michael J. Tauber, Ulfert Vos, Yvonne Wærn: Designing for the mental model: an interdisciplinary approach to the definition of a user interface for electronic mail systems. Informatics and Psychology Workshop 1987: 253-288

Coauthor Index

1Konrad Baumann [7]
2Stephen Guest [1]
3Anne Håkansson [4]
4Andreas Hamfelt [4]
5Willem F. G. Haselager [1]
6Peter Innocent [1]
7Torsten Jonsson [4]
8Paula Kotzé [5] [7]
9Eddy McDaid [1]
10Matthias Rauterberg [3] [7]
11Michael J. Tauber [1] [3]
12Gerrit C. van der Veer [1]
13Ulfert Vos [1]
14Yvonne Wærn (Yvonne Waern) [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)