SPLC 2007:
Software Product Lines, 11th International Conference, SPLC 2007, Kyoto, Japan, September 10-14, 2007, Proceedings. Second Volume (Workshops).
Kindai Kagaku Sha Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 2007, ISBN 978-4-7649-0342-5 BibTeX
Workshop - DSPL 2007
- Gunnar Brataas, Svein Hallsteinsen, Romain Rouvoy, Frank Eliassen:
Scalability of Decision Models for Dynamic Product Lines.
23-32 BibTeX
- Ildefonso Montero, Joaquín Peña, Antonio Ruiz Cortés:
Business Family Engineering - Managing the Evolution of Business Driven Systems.
33-40 BibTeX
- Minseong Kim, Sooyong Park, Jaejoon Lee:
An Approach to Dynamically Achieving Quality Requirements Change in Product Line Engineering.
41-50 BibTeX
- Pablo Trinidad, Antonio Ruiz Cortés, Joaquín Peña, David Benavides:
Mapping Feature Models onto Component Models to Build Dynamic Software Product Lines.
51-56 BibTeX
Workshop - SPLiT 2007
Workshop - ViSPLE 2007
- Steffen Thiel, Patrick Healy, Aaron J. Quigley, Daren Nestor, Luke O'Malley:
1st International Workshop on Visualisation in Software Product Line Engineering (ViSPLE 2007).
91-93 BibTeX
- Michalis Demetriou, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon:
Feature Designer - A Feature Modeling Tool for .NET.
94-99 BibTeX
- Koji Hashimoto, Fumio Narisawa, Yuichiro Morita:
An EMF-based Product Derivation Tool for Large Product Lines.
100-108 BibTeX
- David Sellier, Mike Mannion:
Visualizing Product Line Requirement Selection Decisions.
109-118 BibTeX
- Rick Rabiser, Deepak Dhungana, Paul Grünbacher:
Tool Support for Product Derivation in Large-Scale Product Lines: A Wizard-based Approach.
119-124 BibTeX
- Goetz Botterweck, Daren Nestor, André Preußner, Ciarán Cawley, Steffen Thiel:
Towards Supporting Feature Configuration by Interactive Visualisation.
125-131 BibTeX
Doctoral Symposium
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:42:17 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)