
Stan Jarzabek

Stanislaw Jarzabek

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73EERainer Koschke, Stanislaw Jarzabek, James R. Cordy, Katsuro Inoue: Third International Workshop on Software Clones (IWSC). CSMR 2009: 269-270
72EEDamith C. Rajapakse, Stan Jarzabek: Towards generic representation of web applications: solutions and trade-offs. Softw., Pract. Exper. 39(5): 501-530 (2009)
71EEYali Zhang, Hamid Abdul Basit, Stan Jarzabek, Dang Anh, Melvin Low: Query-based filtering and graphical view generation for clone analysis. ICSM 2008: 376-385
70EEHamid Abdul Basit, Stan Jarzabek: Efficient token based clone detection with flexible tokenization. ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2007: 513-516
69EEHamid Abdul Basit, Simon J. Puglisi, William F. Smyth, Andrew Turpin, Stan Jarzabek: Efficient token based clone detection with flexible tokenization. ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE (Companion) 2007: 513-516
68EEStan Jarzabek: Software Reuse beyond Components with XVCL (Tutorial). GTTSE 2007: 47-77
67EEDamith C. Rajapakse, Stan Jarzabek: Using Server Pages to Unify Clones in Web Applications: A Trade-Off Analysis. ICSE 2007: 116-126
66 Ding Peng, Stan Jarzabek, Damith C. Rajapakse, Hongyu Zhang: Reuse of Database Access Layer Components in JEE Product Lines: Limitations and a Possible Solution (Case Study). SEKE 2007: 308-313
65 Stan Jarzabek: Variability Management for Product Lines with XVCL. SPLC (2) 2007: 13-14
64 Stan Jarzabek, Douglas C. Schmidt, Todd L. Veldhuizen: Generative Programming and Component Engineering, 5th International Conference, GPCE 2006, Portland, Oregon, USA, October 22-26, 2006, Proceedings ACM 2006
63EEStan Jarzabek: Genericity - a "Missing in Action" Key to Software Simplification and Reuse. APSEC 2006: 293-300
62EEStan Jarzabek, Ulf Pettersson: Cost-effective engineering of web applications pragmatic reuse: building web application product lines. ICSE 2006: 1053-1054
61EEStan Jarzabek, Ulf Pettersson: Research journey towards industrial application of reuse technique. ICSE 2006: 608-611
60EERaymund Sison, Stanislaw Jarzabek, Siew Hock Ow, Wanchai Rivepiboon, Nguyen Nam Hai: Software practices in five ASEAN countries: an exploratory study. ICSE 2006: 628-631
59EEStan Jarzabek, Hongyu Zhang, Ru Shen, Vu Tung Lam, Zhenxin Sun: Analysis of Meta-programs: an Example. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 16(1): 77-102 (2006)
58EEStan Jarzabek, Shubiao Li: Unifying clones with a generative programming technique: a case study. Journal of Software Maintenance 18(4): 267-292 (2006)
57EEHamid Abdul Basit, Stan Jarzabek: Detecting higher-level similarity patterns in programs. ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2005: 156-165
56EEUlf Pettersson, Stan Jarzabek: Industrial experience with building a web portal product line using a lightweight, reactive approach. ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2005: 326-335
55EEYang Jun, Stan Jarzabek: Applying a Generative Technique for Enhanced Genericity and Maintainability on the J2EE Platform. GPCE 2005: 237-255
54EEHamid Abdul Basit, Damith C. Rajapakse, Stan Jarzabek: Beyond templates: a study of clones in the STL and some general implications. ICSE 2005: 451-459
53EEDamith C. Rajapakse, Stan Jarzabek: An Investigation of Cloning in Web Applications. ICWE 2005: 252-262
52EEDamith C. Rajapakse, Stan Jarzabek: A Need-Oriented Assessment of Technological Trends in Web Engineering. ICWE 2005: 30-35
51 Hamid Abdul Basit, Damith C. Rajapakse, Stan Jarzabek: An Empirical Study on Limits of Clone Unification Using Generics. SEKE 2005: 109-114
50EEWeishan Zhang, Stan Jarzabek: Reuse without Compromising Performance: Industrial Experience from RPG Software Product Line for Mobile Devices. SPLC 2005: 57-69
49EEDamith C. Rajapakse, Stan Jarzabek: An investigation of cloning in web applications. WWW (Special interest tracks and posters) 2005: 924-925
48EEHongyu Zhang, Stan Jarzabek: A Bayesian Network Approach to Rational Architectural Design. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 15(4): 695-718 (2005)
47 Stan Jarzabek, Ru Shen, Hongyu Zhang, Zhenxin Sun: Analysis of meta-programs: a case study. SEKE 2004: 68-73
46EEHongyu Zhang, Stanislaw Jarzabek: XVCL: a mechanism for handling variants in software product lines. Sci. Comput. Program. 53(3): 381-407 (2004)
45EEHongyu Zhang, Stan Jarzabek: An XVCL Approach to Handling Variants: A KWIC Product Line Example. APSEC 2003: 116-125
44EEHongyu Zhang, Stan Jarzabek, Bo Yang: Quality Prediction and Assessment for Product Lines. CAiSE 2003: 681-695
43EEStan Jarzabek, Shubiao Li: Eliminating redundancies with a "composition with adaptation" meta-programming technique. ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE 2003: 237-246
42EEStan Jarzabek, Paul Bassett, Hongyu Zhang, Weishan Zhang: XVCL: XML-based Variant Configuration Language. ICSE 2003: 810-811
41EEWeishan Zhang, Stan Jarzabek, Neil Loughran, Awais Rashid: Reengineering a PC-Based System into the Mobile Device Product Line. IWPSE 2003: 149-160
40 Hongyu Zhang, Stan Jarzabek: An XVCL-based Approach to Software Product Line Development. SEKE 2003: 267-275
39EEStan Jarzabek, Wai Chun Ong, Hongyu Zhang: Handling variant requirements in domain modeling. Journal of Systems and Software 68(3): 171-182 (2003)
38EESoe Myat Swe, Hongyu Zhang, Stan Jarzabek: XVCL: a tutorial. SEKE 2002: 341-349
37 Gregory Butler, Stan Jarzabek: Generative and Component-Based Software Engineering, Second International Symposium, GCSE 2000, Erfurt, Germany, October 9-12, 2000, Revised Papers Springer 2001
36EEStanislaw Jarzabek: Flexible Components with Frame Technology: A Case Study. EUROMICRO 2001: 146-153
35EEHongyu Zhang, Stan Jarzabek, Soe Myat Swe: XVCL Approach to Separating Concerns in Product Family Assets. GCSE 2001: 36-47
34EEStan Jarzabek, Hongyu Zhang: XML-Based Method and Tool for Handling Variant Requirements in Domain Models. RE 2001: 166-173
33 Stan Jarzabek, Hongyu Zhang: Enhacing component reuse with control flow abstraction analysis. SEKE 2001: 171-178
32 Stan Jarzabek, Wai Chun Ong, Hongyu Zhang: Handling Variant Requirements in 9omain Modeling. SEKE 2001: 61-68
31EETak Wong, Stan Jarzabek, Soe Myat Swe, Ru Shen, Hongyu Zhang: XML implementation of frame processor. SSR 2001: 164-172
30 Stan Jarzabek, Rudolph E. Seviora: Engineering components for ease of customisation and evolution. IEE Proceedings - Software 147(6): 237-248 (2000)
29EEStan Jarzabek: Component Criteria for Information System Families. CAiSE 1999: 451-455
28EEStan Jarzabek, Peter Knauber: Synergy between Component-Based and Generative Approaches. ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE 1999: 429-445
27EEYu Chye Cheong, Stan Jarzabek: Frame-Based Method for Customizing Generic Software Architectures. SSR 1999: 103-112
26EELau Kung Wei, Stan Jarzabek: A Generic Discretionary Access Control System for Reuse Frameworks. COMPSAC 1998: 356-363
25 Stan Jarzabek, Martin Hitz: Business-Oriented Component-Based Software Development and Evolution. DEXA Workshop 1998: 784-788
24 Yu Chye Cheong, Stan Jarzabek: Modelling Variant User Requirements in Domain Engineering for Reuse. EJC 1998: 220-234
23EEYu Chye Cheong, Akkihebbal L. Ananda, Stan Jarzabek: Handling Variant Requirements in Software Architectures for Product Families. ESPRIT ARES Workshop 1998: 188-196
22 Stan Jarzabek, Riri Huang: The Case for User-Centered CASE Tools. Commun. ACM 41(8): 93-99 (1998)
21EEStan Jarzabek: Design of Flexible Static Program Analyzers with PQL. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 24(3): 197-215 (1998)
20EEStan Jarzabek, Guosheng Wang: Model-based design of reverse engineering tools. Journal of Software Maintenance 10(5): 353-380 (1998)
19EEChye-Lin Chee, Stanislaw Jarzabek, R. Paul: F-metric: a WWW-based framework for intelligent formulation and analysis of metric queries. Journal of Systems and Software 43(2): 119-132 (1998)
18EEStan Jarzabek, Irene Woon: Towards a precise description of reverse engineering methods and tools. CSMR 1997: 3-9
17EEStan Jarzabek: Modeling Multiple Domains in Software Reuse. SSR 1997: 65-74
16EEMasao J. Matsumoto, Ernst-Erich Doberkat, Stan Jarzabek, Kyo Chul Kang: If Software Reuse Can Lead IT, How? APSEC 1996: 329-329
15EEStan Jarzabek: Common Sense Reuse. APSEC 1996: 330-331
14 Riri Huang, Stan Jarzabek: PCS: a CASE tool for distributed group software development. IFIP World Conference on IT Tools 1996: 402-410
13 Chye-Lin Chee, Stan Jarzabek, C. V. Ramamoorthy: An Intelligent Process for Formulating and Anwering Project Queries. SEKE 1996: 309-316
12EEStan Jarzabek, Tok Wang Ling: Model-based support for business re-engineering. Information & Software Technology 38(5): 355-374 (1996)
11 Stan Jarzabek: PQL: A Language for Specifying Abstract Program Views. ESEC 1995: 324-342
10EEStan Jarzabek, Tok Wang Ling: A Conceptual Model for Business Re-Engineering Methods and Tools. OOER 1995: 260-269
9EEStan Jarzabek: From Reuse Library Experiences to Application Generation Architectures. SSR 1995: 114-122
8 Stan Jarzabek, Tan Poh Keam: Design of a Generic Reverse Engineering Assistant Tool. WCRE 1995: 61-70
7 Stan Jarzabek, Chew Lim Tan: Modeling Multiple Views of Common Features in Software Reengineering for Reuse CAiSE 1994: 269-282
6 Stan Jarzabek, Wie-Ming Lim: Modeling in strategic reengineering. SEKE 1994: 249-256
5EEHee Beng Kuan Tan, Tok Wang Ling, Stan Jarzabek, Yin Seong Ho: The Data Derivation Model: A Program Specification Technique That Improves Reusability. SAC 1993: 95-102
4EEStan Jarzabek: Domain model-driven software reengineering and maintenance. Journal of Systems and Software 20(1): 37-51 (1993)
3 Stan Jarzabek, Kelly Tham: Towards Automating Software Maintainance. CAiSE 1991: 336-355
2EEStanislaw Jarzabek: Generation of software production environments (abstract). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1986: 429
1 Stanislaw Jarzabek, Tomasz Krawczyk: LL-Regular Grammars. Inf. Process. Lett. 4(2): 31-37 (1975)

Coauthor Index

1Akkihebbal L. Ananda [23]
2Dang Anh [71]
3Hamid Abdul Basit [51] [54] [57] [69] [70] [71]
4Paul Bassett [42]
5Gregory Butler (Greg Butler) [37]
6Chye-Lin Chee [13] [19]
7Yu Chye Cheong [23] [24] [27]
8James R. Cordy [73]
9Ernst-Erich Doberkat [16]
10Nguyen Nam Hai [60]
11Martin Hitz [25]
12Yin Seong Ho [5]
13Riri Huang [14] [22]
14Katsuro Inoue [73]
15Yang Jun [55]
16Kyo Chul Kang [16]
17Tan Poh Keam [8]
18Peter Knauber [28]
19Rainer Koschke [73]
20Tomasz Krawczyk [1]
21Vu Tung Lam [59]
22Shubiao Li [43] [58]
23Wie-Ming Lim [6]
24Tok Wang Ling [5] [10] [12]
25Neil Loughran [41]
26Melvin Low [71]
27Masao J. Matsumoto [16]
28Wai Chun Ong [32] [39]
29Siew Hock Ow [60]
30R. Paul [19]
31Ding Peng [66]
32Ulf Pettersson [56] [61] [62]
33Simon J. Puglisi [69]
34Damith C. Rajapakse [49] [51] [52] [53] [54] [66] [67] [72]
35C. V. Ramamoorthy [13]
36Awais Rashid [41]
37Wanchai Rivepiboon [60]
38Douglas C. Schmidt [64]
39Rudolph E. Seviora [30]
40Ru Shen [31] [47] [59]
41Raymund Sison [60]
42William F. Smyth (Bill Smyth) [69]
43Zhenxin Sun [47] [59]
44Soe Myat Swe [31] [35] [38]
45Chew Lim Tan [7]
46Hee Beng Kuan Tan [5]
47Kelly Tham [3]
48Andrew Turpin [69]
49Todd L. Veldhuizen [64]
50Guosheng Wang [20]
51Lau Kung Wei [26]
52Tak Wong [31]
53Irene Woon [18]
54Bo Yang [44]
55Hongyu Zhang [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [38] [39] [40] [42] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [59] [66]
56Weishan Zhang [41] [42] [50]
57Yali Zhang [71]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)