
Jaejoon Lee

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20EEJaejoon Lee, Dirk Muthig: Feature-Oriented Analysis and Specification of Dynamic Product Reconfiguration. ICSR 2008: 154-165
19EEJaejoon Lee, Dirk Muthig, Matthias Naab: An Approach for Developing Service Oriented Product Lines. SPLC 2008: 275-284
18 Jaejoon Lee, Isabel John, Toshiaki Aoki, John D. McGregor: SPLC 2007 Dectoral Symposium. SPLC (2) 2007: 155-156
17 Minseong Kim, Sooyong Park, Jaejoon Lee: An Approach to Dynamically Achieving Quality Requirements Change in Product Line Engineering. SPLC (2) 2007: 41-50
16EEIsabel John, Jaejoon Lee, Dirk Muthig: Separation of Variability Dimension and Development Dimension. VaMoS 2007: 45-49
15EEKyo Chul Kang, Jaejoon Lee, Byungkil Kim, Moonzoo Kim, Chang-woo Seo, Seung-lyeol Yu: Re-engineering a Credit Card Authorization System for Maintainability and Reusability of Components - A Case Study. ICSR 2006: 156-169
14 Jaejoon Lee, Kyo Chul Kang: A Feature-Oriented Approach to Developing Dynamically Reconfigurable Products in Product Line Engineering. SPLC 2006: 131-140
13EEJaejoon Lee, Dirk Muthig: Feature-oriented variability management in product line engineering. Commun. ACM 49(12): 55-59 (2006)
12 Kyo Chul Kang, Moonzoo Kim, Jaejoon Lee, Byungkil Kim, Youngjin Hong, Hyoungki Lee, Seokwon Bang: 3D Virtual Prototyping of Home Service Robots Using ASADAL/OBJ. ICRA 2005: 2903-2908
11EEMoonzoo Kim, Jaejoon Lee, Kyo Chul Kang, Youngjin Hong, Seokwon Bang: Re-engineering software architecture of home service robots: a case study. ICSE 2005: 505-513
10EEKyo Chul Kang, Moonzoo Kim, Jaejoon Lee, Byungkil Kim: Feature-Oriented Re-engineering of Legacy Systems into Product Line Assets - a Case Study. SPLC 2005: 45-56
9EEJaejoon Lee, Kyo Chul Kang, Sajoong Kim: A Feature-Based Approach to Product Line Production Planning. SPLC 2004: 183-196
8EEJaejoon Lee, Kyo Chul Kang: Feature Binding Analysis for Product Line Component Development. PFE 2003: 250-260
7EEKwanwoo Lee, Kyo Chul Kang, Jaejoon Lee: Concepts and Guidelines of Feature Modeling for Product Line Software Engineering. ICSR 2002: 62-77
6EEKyo Chul Kang, Patrick Donohoe, Eunman Koh, Jaejoon Lee, Kwanwoo Lee: Using a Marketing and Product Plan as a Key Driver for Product Line Asset Development. SPLC 2002: 366-382
5EEKyo Chul Kang, Jaejoon Lee, Patrick Donohoe: Feature-Oriented Project Line Engineering. IEEE Software 19(4): 58-65 (2002)
4EEJaejoon Lee, Sucheol Ha, Kyo Chul Kang, Youngyeol Choo, Yoonpyo Hong, Hwawon Hwang: Quality Requirement Elicitation for the Architecture Evaluation of Process Computer Systems. APSEC 2001: 335-340
3EEKwanwoo Lee, Kyo Chul Kang, Sajoong Kim, Jaejoon Lee: Feature-Oriented Engineering of PBX Software. APSEC 1999: 394-403
2 Kyo Chul Kang, Sajoong Kim, Jaejoon Lee, Kwanwoo Lee: Feature-Oriented Engineering of PBX Software for Adaptability and Reuseability. Softw., Pract. Exper. 29(10): 875-896 (1999)
1 Kyo Chul Kang, Sajoong Kim, Jaejoon Lee, Kijoo Kim, Euiseob Shin, Moonhang Huh: FORM: A Feature-Oriented Reuse Method with Domain-Specific Reference Architectures. Ann. Software Eng. 5: 143-168 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Toshiaki Aoki [18]
2Seokwon Bang [11] [12]
3Youngyeol Choo [4]
4Patrick Donohoe [5] [6]
5Sucheol Ha [4]
6Yoonpyo Hong [4]
7Youngjin Hong [11] [12]
8Moonhang Huh [1]
9Hwawon Hwang [4]
10Isabel John [16] [18]
11Kyo Chul Kang [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [15]
12Byungkil Kim [10] [12] [15]
13Kijoo Kim [1]
14Minseong Kim [17]
15Moonzoo Kim [10] [11] [12] [15]
16Sajoong Kim [1] [2] [3] [9]
17Eunman Koh [6]
18Hyoungki Lee [12]
19Kwanwoo Lee [2] [3] [6] [7]
20John D. McGregor [18]
21Dirk Muthig [13] [16] [19] [20]
22Matthias Naab [19]
23Sooyong Park [17]
24Chang-woo Seo [15]
25Euiseob Shin [1]
26Seung-lyeol Yu [15]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)