
D. Wu

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6EEK. Sinha, Z. Wang, D. Wu: Good equidistant codes constructed from certain combinatorial designs. Discrete Mathematics 308(18): 4205-4211 (2008)
5 D. Wu: An improved lower bound on identifying compelled edges in a DAG. Computational Intelligence 2006: 301-306
4EEL. Ji, D. Wu, L. Zhu: Existence of Generalized Steiner Systems GS(2, 4, v, 2). Des. Codes Cryptography 36(1): 83-99 (2005)
3 Jasjit S. Suri, Lou Antloga, Laura Reden, D. Wu: Breast lesion characterization using gad-enhanced MR. SIP 2001: 274-279
2 D. Wu, L. Zhu: Generalized Steiner Systems GS(2, 4, v, 2) with a Prime Power equiv 7 (mod 12). Des. Codes Cryptography 24(1): 69-80 (2001)
1EED. Cheung, Bernd Koenemann, S. Nishtala, B. West, D. Wu: ATE for VLSI: What Challenges Lie Ahead? VTS 1997: 318-319

Coauthor Index

1Lou Antloga [3]
2D. Cheung [1]
3L. Ji [4]
4Bernd Koenemann [1]
5S. Nishtala [1]
6Laura Reden [3]
7K. Sinha [6]
8Jasjit S. Suri [3]
9Z. Wang [6]
10B. West [1]
11L. Zhu [2] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)