
K. T. V. Grattan

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3EEElfed Lewis, John Clifford, Colin Fitzpatrick, Gerard Dooly, Weizhong Zhao, Tong Sun, K. T. V. Grattan, James Lucas, Martin Degner, Hartmut Ewald, Steffen Lochmann, Gero Bramann, Edoardo Merlone-Borla, Flavio Gili: Monitoring of Environmentally Hazardous Exhaust Emissions from Cars Using Optical Fibre Sensors. SAMOS 2008: 238-247
2EEEamonn Hawe, Gerard Dooly, Colin Fitzpatrick, Paul Chambers, Elfed Lewis, Weizhong Zhao, Tong Sun, K. T. V. Grattan, Martin Degner, Hartmut Ewald, Steffen Lochmann, G. Bramman, C. Wei, D. Hitchen, James Lucas, A. Al-Shamma'a, Edoardo Merlone-Borla, P. Faraldi, M. Pidria: Measuring of exhaust gas emissions using absorption spectroscopy. IJISTA 3(1/2): 33-51 (2007)
1 M. Sabry-Rizk, W. Zgallai, C. Morgan, Ewart R. Carson, K. T. V. Grattan: A modified pseudo-bispectral music technique for on-line identification of abnormal atrial activations in noisy ECG signals. SIP 2001: 280-285

Coauthor Index

1A. Al-Shamma'a [2]
2Gero Bramann [3]
3G. Bramman [2]
4Ewart R. Carson [1]
5Paul Chambers [2]
6John Clifford [3]
7Martin Degner [2] [3]
8Gerard Dooly [2] [3]
9Hartmut Ewald [2] [3]
10P. Faraldi [2]
11Colin Fitzpatrick [2] [3]
12Flavio Gili [3]
13Eamonn Hawe [2]
14D. Hitchen [2]
15Elfed Lewis [2] [3]
16Steffen Lochmann [2] [3]
17James Lucas [2] [3]
18Edoardo Merlone-Borla [2] [3]
19C. Morgan [1]
20M. Pidria [2]
21M. Sabry-Rizk [1]
22Tong Sun [2] [3]
23C. Wei [2]
24W. Zgallai [1]
25Weizhong Zhao [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)