
Rita C. Summers

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12 Gene Tsudik, Rita C. Summers: AudES - An Expert System for Security Auditing. IAAI 1990: 221-232
11 Rita C. Summers: Local-Area Distributed Systems. IBM Systems Journal 28(2): 227-240 (1989)
10 Rita C. Summers: A Resource Sharing System for Personal Computers in a LAN: Concepts, Design, and Experience. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 13(8): 895-904 (1987)
9 Rita C. Summers: An Overview of Computer Security. IBM Systems Journal 23(4): 309-325 (1984)
8 Christopher Wood, Eduardo B. Fernández, Rita C. Summers: Data Base Security: Requirements, Policies, and Models. IBM Systems Journal 19(2): 229-252 (1980)
7 Christopher Wood, Rita C. Summers, Eduardo B. Fernández: Authorization in multilevel database models. Inf. Syst. 4(2): 155-161 (1979)
6 Eduardo B. Fernández, Rita C. Summers, Tomás Lang, Charles D. Coleman: Architectural Support for System Protection and Database Security. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(8): 767-771 (1978)
5EEEduardo B. Fernández, Rita C. Summers: Integrity aspects of a shared data base. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1976: 819-827
4 Eduardo B. Fernández, Rita C. Summers, Charles D. Coleman: Architecture Support for System Protection. ISCA 1976: 121
3 Rita C. Summers, Charles D. Coleman, Eduardo B. Fernández: A Programming Language Extension for Access to a Shared Data Base. ACM Pacific 1975: 114-118
2EEEduardo B. Fernández, Rita C. Summers, Charles D. Coleman: An Authorization Model for a Shared Data Base. SIGMOD Conference 1975: 23-31
1EEEduardo B. Fernández, Rita C. Summers, Tomás Lang: Definition and Evaluation of Access Rules in Data Management Systems. VLDB 1975: 268-285

Coauthor Index

1Charles D. Coleman [2] [3] [4] [6]
2Eduardo B. Fernández [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
3Tomás Lang [1] [6]
4Gene Tsudik [12]
5Christopher Wood [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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