
Pramode K. Verma

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13EEYuhua Chen, Wenjing Tang, Pramode K. Verma: Latency in Grid over Optical Burst Switching with Heterogeneous Traffic. HPCC 2007: 334-345
12EEMostafa H. Dahshan, Pramode K. Verma: Refined assured forwarding framework for differentiated services architecture. Computer Communications 30(18): 3841-3850 (2007)
11EEYuhua Chen, Pramode K. Verma: Analytical Model for Burstification Latency in Optical Burst Switched Networks. IEICE Transactions 90-B(9): 2588-2591 (2007)
10EEMostafa H. Dahshan, Pramode K. Verma: Resource Based Pricing Framework for Integrated Services Networks. JNW 2(3): 36-45 (2007)
9EEZiping Hu, Stamatios V. Kartalopoulos, Pramode K. Verma: RC4-based Security in Ethernet Passive Optical Networks. GLOBECOM 2006
8EEHapsara R. Sukasdadi, Pramode K. Verma: A Constant Revenue Model for Telecommunication Networks. ICN/ICONS/MCL 2006: 21
7 Adnan Umar, James J. Sluss Jr., Pramode K. Verma: An XML-based system for configuration management of telecommunications networks using web-services. WSMDEIS 2005: 3-10
6EEYingzhen Qu, Pramode K. Verma, John Y. Cheung: Enhancing the Carrying Capacity of a DWDM Network. ICPP Workshops 2004: 415-421
5EEStamatios V. Kartalopoulos, Pramode K. Verma: Pragmatic Teaching of Advanced Optical Networks: Connecting Physics, Optical technology and Networks. ITCC 2003: 65-68
4 Kelly B. Morgan, Pramode K. Verma, Hadi Ibrahim, Philip Taylor: Multivendor Network Realization through ISDN. ICCC 1986: 413-416
3 Pramode K. Verma: A 1984 Perspective on Developments in Computer Communication Systems. Computer Networks 9: 43-48 (1985)
2 Amalendu Chatterjee, Nicolas D. Georganas, Pramode K. Verma: Analysis of a Packet-Switched Network with End-to-End Congestion Control and Random Routing. ICCC 1976: 488-494
1 C. Lemieux, Pramode K. Verma: Current Status of the Dataroute Network. ACM Pacific 1975: 214-216

Coauthor Index

1Amalendu Chatterjee [2]
2Yuhua Chen [11] [13]
3John Y. Cheung [6]
4Mostafa H. Dahshan [10] [12]
5Nicolas D. Georganas [2]
6Ziping Hu [9]
7Hadi Ibrahim [4]
8Stamatios V. Kartalopoulos [5] [9]
9C. Lemieux [1]
10Kelly B. Morgan [4]
11Yingzhen Qu [6]
12James J. Sluss Jr. [7]
13Hapsara R. Sukasdadi [8]
14Wenjing Tang [13]
15Philip Taylor [4]
16Adnan Umar [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)