
Andrew U. Frank

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49 Thomas J. Cova, Harvey J. Miller, Kate Beard, Andrew U. Frank, Michael F. Goodchild: Geographic Information Science, 5th International Conference, GIScience 2008, Park City, UT, USA, September 23-26, 2008. Proceedings Springer 2008
48EEFarid Karimipour, Andrew U. Frank, Mahmoud Reza Delavar: An operation-independent approach to extend 2D spatial operations to 3D and moving objects. GIS 2008: 8
47EEFarid Karimipour, Mahmoud Reza Delavar, Andrew U. Frank: A Mathematical Tool to Extend 2D Spatial Operations to Higher Dimensions. ICCSA (1) 2008: 153-164
46EEAndrew U. Frank: Data Quality Ontology: An Ontology for Imperfect Knowledge. COSIT 2007: 406-420
45 Martin Raubal, Harvey J. Miller, Andrew U. Frank, Michael F. Goodchild: Geographic Information Science, 4th International Conference, GIScience 2006, Münster, Germany, September 20-23, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
44 Andrew U. Frank: Distinctions Produce a Taxonomic Lattice: Are These the Units of Mentalese? FOIS 2006: 27-38
43EEMohammad Reza Malek, Andrew U. Frank: A Mobile Computing Approach for Navigation Purposes. W2GIS 2006: 123-134
42EEAndrew U. Frank: Map Algebra Extended with Functors for Temporal Data. ER (Workshops) 2005: 194-207
41EEAndrew U. Frank, Eva Grum, Bérengère Vasseur: Procedure to Select the Best Dataset for a Task. GIScience 2004: 81-93
40EEGerhard Navratil, Andrew U. Frank: Processes in a cadastre. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 28(5): 471-486 (2004)
39 Manolis Koubarakis, Timos K. Sellis, Andrew U. Frank, Stéphane Grumbach, Ralf Hartmut Güting, Christian S. Jensen, Nikos A. Lorentzos, Yannis Manolopoulos, Enrico Nardelli, Barbara Pernici, Hans-Jörg Schek, Michel Scholl, Babis Theodoulidis, Nectaria Tryfona: Spatio-Temporal Databases: The CHOROCHRONOS Approach Springer 2003
38EEAndrew U. Frank: Ontology for Spatio-temporal Databases. Spatio-Temporal Databases: The CHOROCHRONOS Approach 2003: 9-77
37EEAndrew U. Frank, Steffen Bittner, Martin Raubal: Spatial and Cognitive Simulation with Multi-agent Systems. COSIT 2001: 124-139
36EEHartwig Hochmair, Andrew U. Frank: A Semantic Map as Basis for the Decision Process in the www Navigation. COSIT 2001: 173-188
35 Dieter Lang, Stephan Winter, Andrew U. Frank: Neighborhood Relations between Fields with Applications to Cellular Networks. GeoInformatica 5(2): 127-144 (2001)
34EEAndrew U. Frank: Tiers of ontology and consistency constraints in geographical information systems. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 15(7): 667-678 (2001)
33EEAndrew U. Frank: Spatial Communication with Maps: Defining the Correctness of Maps Using a Multi-Agent Simulation. Spatial Cognition 2000: 80-99
32 Stephan Winter, Andrew U. Frank: Topology in Raster and Vector Representation. GeoInformatica 4(1): 35-65 (2000)
31EEAndrew U. Frank: Part 4 Technology and the future of GIS and spatial analysis. Journal of Geographical Systems 2(1): 99-105 (2000)
30EEAndrew U. Frank: One Step up the Abstraction Ladder: Combining Algebras - From Functional Pieces to a Whole. COSIT 1999: 95-107
29 Stephan Winter, Andrew U. Frank: Functional Extensions of a Raster Representation for Topological Relations. INTEROP 1999: 293-304
28EEThomas Bittner, Andrew U. Frank: On the design of formal theories of geographic space. Journal of Geographical Systems 1(3): 237-275 (1999)
27EEAndrew U. Frank, Stéphane Grumbach, Ralf Hartmut Güting, Christian S. Jensen, Manolis Koubarakis, Nikos A. Lorentzos, Yannis Manolopoulos, Enrico Nardelli, Barbara Pernici, Hans-Jörg Schek, Michel Scholl, Timos K. Sellis, Babis Theodoulidis, Peter Widmayer: Chorochronos: A Research Network for Spatiotemporal Database Systems. SIGMOD Record 28(3): 12-21 (1999)
26EEAndrew U. Frank: Formal Models for Cognition - Taxonomy of Spatial Location Description and Frames of Reference. Spatial Cognition 1998: 293-312
25 Werner Hölbling, Werner Kuhn, Andrew U. Frank: Finite-Resolution Simplicial Complexes. GeoInformatica 2(3): 281-298 (1998)
24 Andreas Dieberger, Andrew U. Frank: A City Metaphor to Support Navigation in Complex Information Spaces. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 9(6): 597-622 (1998)
23 Stephen C. Hirtle, Andrew U. Frank: Spatial Information Theory: A Theoretical Basis for GIS, International Conference COSIT '97, Laurel Highlands, Pennsylvania, USA, October 15-18, 1997, Proceedings Springer 1997
22 Sabine Timpf, Andrew U. Frank: Using Hierarchical Spatial Data Structures for Hierarchical Spatial Reasoning. COSIT 1997: 69-83
21 Andrew U. Frank, Gary S. Volta, Matthew McGranaghan: Formalization of Families of Categorical Coverages. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 11(3): 215-231 (1997)
20 Andrew U. Frank: Qualitative Spatial Reasoning: Cardinal Directions as an Example. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 10(3): 269-290 (1996)
19 Karen K. Kemp, Andrew U. Frank: Toward Consensus on a European GIS Curriculum: The International Post-Graduate Course in GIS. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 10(4): 477-497 (1996)
18 Andrew U. Frank, Werner Kuhn: Spatial Information Theory: A Theoretical Basis for GIS, International Conference COSIT '95, Semmering, Austria, September 21-23, 1995, Proceedings Springer 1995
17EEAndrew U. Frank, Werner Kuhn: Specifying Open GIS with Functional Languages. SSD 1995: 184-195
16 Peter A. Burrough, Andrew U. Frank: Concepts and Paradigms in Spatial Information: Are Current Geographical Information Systems Truly Generic? International Journal of Geographical Information Systems 9(2): 101-116 (1995)
15 Adrijana Car, Andrew U. Frank: Modelling a Hierarchy of Space Applied to Large Road Networks. IGIS 1994: 15-24
14 Dimitris Papadias, Andrew U. Frank, Manolis Koubarakis: Constraint-Based Reasoning in Geographic Databases: the Case of Symbolic Arrays. Workshop on Deductive Databases and Logic Programming 1994: 159-171
13EEAndrew U. Frank, Sabine Timpf: Multiple representations for cartographic objects in a multi-scale tree - An intelligent graphical zoom. Computers & Graphics 18(6): 823-829 (1994)
12 Andrew U. Frank, Irene Campari: Spatial Information Theory: A Theoretical Basis for GIS, International Conference COSIT '93, Marciana Marina, Elba Island, Italy, September 19-22, 1993, Proceedings Springer 1993
11 Andrew U. Frank, Irene Campari, Ubaldo Formentini: Theories and Methods of Spatio-Temporal Reasoning in Geographic Space, International Conference GIS - From Space to Territory: Theories and Methods of Spatio-Temporal Reasoning, Pisa, Italy, September 21-23, 1992, Proceedings Springer 1992
10 Andrew U. Frank: Qualitative Spatial Reasoning with Cardinal Directions. ÖGAI 1991: 157-167
9EEAndrew U. Frank: Properties of Geographic Data: Requirements for Spatial Access Methods. SSD 1991: 225-234
8EERenato Barrera, Andrew U. Frank, Khaled K. Al-Taha: Temporal Relations in Geographic Information Systems: A Workshop at the University of Maine. SIGMOD Record 20(3): 85-91 (1991)
7 Max J. Egenhofer, Andrew U. Frank: PANDA: An Extensible DBMS Supporting Object-Oriented Software Techniques. BTW 1989: 74-79
6EEMax J. Egenhofer, Andrew U. Frank, Jeffrey P. Jackson: A Topological Data Model for Spatial Databases. SSD 1989: 271-286
5EEAndrew U. Frank, Renato Barrera: The Fieldtree: A Data Structure for Geographic Information Systems. SSD 1989: 29-44
4 Andrew U. Frank: Multiple Inheritance and Genericity for the Integration of a Database Management System in an Object-Oriented Approach. OODBS 1988: 268-273
3EEMax J. Egenhofer, Andrew U. Frank: Towards a Spatial Query Language: User Interface Considerations. VLDB 1988: 124-133
2EEMax J. Egenhofer, Andrew U. Frank: A precompiler for modular, transportable Pascal. SIGPLAN Notices 23(3): 22-32 (1988)
1EEAndrew U. Frank: Application of DBMS to Land Information Systems VLDB 1981: 448-453

Coauthor Index

1Khaled K. Al-Taha [8]
2Renato Barrera [5] [8]
3Kate Beard [49]
4Steffen Bittner [37]
5Thomas Bittner [28]
6Peter A. Burrough [16]
7Irene Campari [11] [12]
8Adrijana Car [15]
9Thomas J. Cova [49]
10Mahmoud Reza Delavar [47] [48]
11Andreas Dieberger [24]
12Max J. Egenhofer [2] [3] [6] [7]
13Ubaldo Formentini [11]
14Michael F. Goodchild [45] [49]
15Eva Grum [41]
16Stéphane Grumbach [27] [39]
17Ralf Hartmut Güting [27] [39]
18Stephen C. Hirtle [23]
19Hartwig Hochmair [36]
20Werner Hölbling [25]
21Jeffrey P. Jackson [6]
22Christian S. Jensen [27] [39]
23Farid Karimipour [47] [48]
24Karen K. Kemp [19]
25Manolis Koubarakis [14] [27] [39]
26Werner Kuhn [17] [18] [25]
27Dieter Lang [35]
28Nikos A. Lorentzos [27] [39]
29Mohammad Reza Malek [43]
30Yannis Manolopoulos [27] [39]
31Matthew McGranaghan [21]
32Harvey J. Miller [45] [49]
33Enrico Nardelli [27] [39]
34Gerhard Navratil [40]
35Dimitris Papadias [14]
36Barbara Pernici [27] [39]
37Martin Raubal [37] [45]
38Hans-Jörg Schek [27] [39]
39Michel Scholl [27] [39]
40Timos K. Sellis [27] [39]
41Babis Theodoulidis [27] [39]
42Sabine Timpf [13] [22]
43Nectaria Tryfona [39]
44Bérengère Vasseur [41]
45Gary S. Volta [21]
46Peter Widmayer [27]
47Stephan Winter [29] [32] [35]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)