
Weizhen Mao

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20EEBo Sheng, Chiu Chiang Tan, Qun Li, Weizhen Mao: Finding popular categories for RFID tags. MobiHoc 2008: 159-168
19EEJessen T. Havill, Weizhen Mao: Competitive online scheduling of perfectly malleable jobs with setup times. European Journal of Operational Research 187(3): 1126-1142 (2008)
18EEBo Sheng, Qun Li, Weizhen Mao, Wen Jin: Outlier detection in sensor networks. MobiHoc 2007: 219-228
17 Weizhen Mao, Jie Chen, William A. Watson III: One-to-all personalized communication in torus networks. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2007: 272-277
16EEBo Sheng, Qun Li, Weizhen Mao: Data storage placement in sensor networks. MobiHoc 2006: 344-355
15EEJie Chen, William A. Watson III, Robert Edwards, Weizhen Mao: Message Passing for Linux Clusters with Gigabit Ethernet Mesh Connections. IPDPS 2005
14EEJie Chen, Jie Chen, Robert Edwards, Weizhen Mao: QMP-MVIA: a message passing system for Linux clusters with gigabit Ethernet mesh connections. CLUSTER 2004: 485
13EEGianfranco Ciardo, Weizhen Mao, Alma Riska, Evgenia Smirni: ETAQA-MG1: an efficient technique for the analysis of a class of M/G/1-type processes by aggregation. Perform. Eval. 57(3): 235-260 (2004)
12EEWeizhen Mao, David M. Nicol: On k-ary n-cubes: Theory and Applications. Discrete Applied Mathematics 129(1): 171-193 (2003)
11 Ben Coleman, Weizhen Mao: Lokkahead Scheduling in a Real-Time Context. JCIS 2002: 205-209
10 Aaron T. Hawkins, Weizhen Mao: On Multi-Channel Data Broadcast Scheduling. JCIS 2002: 915-918
9EEWeizhen Mao: Competitive Analysis of On-line Algorithms for On-demand Data Broadcast Scheduling. ISPAN 2000: 292-296
8EEJessen T. Havill, Weizhen Mao: Greedy online algorithms for routing permanent virtual circuits. Networks 34(2): 136-153 (1999)
7 Jessen T. Havill, Weizhen Mao: Greedy On-Line File Transfer Routing. Euro-PDS 1997: 225-230
6EEWeizhen Mao: A parallel multi-operation scheduling problem with machine order constraints. SAC 1997: 473-477
5 Weizhen Mao: Multi-operation multi-machine scheduling. HPCN Europe 1995: 33-38
4 Weizhen Mao, David M. Nicol: A Heuristic for Partitioning Parallel Computation. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems 1995: 295-297
3 David M. Nicol, Weizhen Mao: Automated Parallelization of Timed Petri-Net Simulations. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 29(1): 60-74 (1995)
2EEWeizhen Mao, Rex K. Kincaid: A look-ahead heuristic for scheduling jobs with release dates on a single machine. Computers & OR 21(10): 1041-1050 (1994)
1 Weizhen Mao: Tight Worst-Case Performance Bounds for Next-k-Fit Bin Packing. SIAM J. Comput. 22(1): 46-56 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Jie Chen [14] [15] [17]
2Gianfranco Ciardo [13]
3Ben Coleman [11]
4Robert Edwards [14] [15]
5Jessen T. Havill [7] [8] [19]
6Aaron T. Hawkins [10]
7Wen Jin [18]
8Rex K. Kincaid [2]
9Qun Li [16] [18] [20]
10David M. Nicol [3] [4] [12]
11Alma Riska [13]
12Bo Sheng [16] [18] [20]
13Evgenia Smirni [13]
14Chiu Chiang Tan [20]
15William A. Watson III [15] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)