
Niklas Johansson

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7EEPeter Larsson, Niklas Johansson: Multi-User ARQ. VTC Spring 2006: 2052-2057
6EEPeter Larsson, Niklas Johansson, Kai-Erik Sunell: Coded Bi-directional Relaying. VTC Spring 2006: 851-855
5EENiklas Johansson, Ulrika Mollstedt: Revisiting Amit and Zott's model of value creation sources: The SymBelt Customer Center case. JTAER 1(3): 16-27 (2006)
4EENiklas Johansson, Fredrik Alriksson, Ulf Jönsson: JUMP mode---a dynamic window-based scheduling framework for Bluetooth scatternets. MobiHoc 2001: 204-211
3EENiklas Johansson, Maria Kihl, Ulf Körner: TCP/IP over the Bluetooth Wireless Ad-hoc Network. NETWORKING 2000: 799-810
2 Niklas Johansson, Ulf Körner, Per Johansson: Performance Evaluation of Scheduling Algorithms for Bluetooth. Broadband Communications 1999: 139-150
1 Kristofer Kimbler, Niklas Johansson, Johan Slottner: Goal-Based Filtering of Service Interactions. IS&N 1997: 97-106

Coauthor Index

1Fredrik Alriksson [4]
2Per Johansson [2]
3Ulf Jönsson [4]
4Maria Kihl [3]
5Kristofer Kimbler [1]
6Ulf Körner [2] [3]
7Peter Larsson [6] [7]
8Ulrika Mollstedt [5]
9Johan Slottner [1]
10Kai-Erik Sunell [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)