
Hans Vanderstraeten

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5 Sebastiano Trigila, Alvin P. Mullery, Mário Campolargo, Hans Vanderstraeten, Marcel Mampaey: Intelligence in Services and Networks: Technology for Ubiquitous Telecom Services, 5th International Conference on Intelligence and Services in Networks, IS&N'98, Antwerp, Belgium, May 25-28, 1998, Proceedings Springer 1998
4EEPatrick Hellemans, Marcel Mampaey, Hans Vanderstraeten, Hans Zandbelt, Han Zuidweg, Piet De Ceuleners, Telma Mota: Development and Deployment of a Heterogeneous Set of Services Challenging a TINA-Based Telecommunication Architecture. IS&N 1998: 205-218
3 Hans Vanderstraeten, Jan Vanhoutte, Veronique Savin, Panos Palavos, Jean-Marc Reynders, Greet Bilsen: Definition and Implementation of a TINA Based Terminal Architecture. ECMAST 1997: 651-667
2 Javier Huélamo, Hans Vanderstraeten, Juan Carlos Garcìa, Paolo Coppo, Juan C. Yelmo, George Pavlou: A TINA Based Prototype for a Multimedia Multiparty Mobility Service. IS&N 1997: 35-48
1 Patrick Hellemans, Frank Steegmans, Hans Vanderstraeten, Han Zuidweg: Implementation of Hidden Concurrency in CORBA Clients. TreDS 1996: 30-42

Coauthor Index

1Greet Bilsen [3]
2Mário Campolargo [5]
3Piet De Ceuleners [4]
4Paolo Coppo [2]
5Juan Carlos Garcìa [2]
6Patrick Hellemans [1] [4]
7Javier Huélamo [2]
8Marcel Mampaey [4] [5]
9Telma Mota [4]
10Alvin P. Mullery [5]
11Panos Palavos [3]
12George Pavlou [2]
13Jean-Marc Reynders [3]
14Veronique Savin [3]
15Frank Steegmans [1]
16Sebastiano Trigila [5]
17Jan Vanhoutte [3]
18Juan C. Yelmo [2]
19Hans Zandbelt [4]
20Han Zuidweg [1] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)