
J. Schwarz

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5EEC. Sebeke, C. Jung, Klaus Harbich, S. Fuchs, J. Schwarz, Peter Göhner: Test and reliability challenges in automotive microelectronics. DATE 2006: 547
4 R. Mösges, Thomas Martin Lehmann, J. Schwarz, Erich Pelikan, Rudolf Repges: Eine Workstation für die Quantitative Videolaryngoskopie. GMDS 1994: 377-380
3 L. Morris, J. Schwarz: Computing Cyclic List Structures. LISP Conference 1980: 144-153
2 J. Schwarz: Generic Commands - A Tool for Partial Correctness Formalisms. Comput. J. 20(2): 151-155 (1977)
1 J. Schwarz: Event Based Reasoning - A System for Proving Correct Termination of Programs. ICALP 1976: 131-146

Coauthor Index

1Thomas Martin Deserno (Thomas Martin Lehmann) [4]
2S. Fuchs [5]
3Peter Göhner [5]
4Klaus Harbich [5]
5C. Jung [5]
6L. Morris [3]
7R. Mösges [4]
8Erich Pelikan [4]
9Rudolf Repges [4]
10C. Sebeke [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)