10. FCT 1995:
Horst Reichel (Ed.):
Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 10th International Symposium, FCT '95, Dresden, Germany, August 22-25, 1995, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 965 Springer 1995, ISBN 3-540-60249-6 BibTeX
editor = {Horst Reichel},
title = {Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 10th International Symposium,
FCT '95, Dresden, Germany, August 22-25, 1995, Proceedings},
booktitle = {FCT},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {965},
year = {1995},
isbn = {3-540-60249-6},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Invited Lectures
- Roberto M. Amadio, Lone Leth, Bent Thomsen:
From a Concurrent Lambda-Calculus to the Pi-Calculus.
106-115 BibTeX
- Valentin M. Antimirov:
Rewriting Regular Inequalities (Extended Abstract).
116-125 BibTeX
- Gilles Barthe:
A Simple Abstract Semantics for Equational Theories.
126-135 BibTeX
- Jan A. Bergstra, Gheorghe Stefanescu:
Processes with Multiple Entries and Exits.
136-145 BibTeX
- Michael Bertol:
Efficient Rewriting in Cograph Trace Monoids.
146-155 BibTeX
- Cristian Calude, Marius Zimand:
Effective Category and Measure in Abstract Complexity Theory (Extended Abstract).
156-170 BibTeX
- Thomas Chaboud:
About Planar Cayley Graphs.
171-180 BibTeX
- Victor Chepoi, Feodor F. Dragan:
On Condorcet and Median Points of Simple Rectilinear Polygons (Extended Abstract).
181-190 BibTeX
- Hristo Djidjev, Grammati E. Pantziou, Christos D. Zaroliagis:
Fast Algorithms for Maintaining Shortest Paths in Outerplanar and Planar Digraphs.
191-200 BibTeX
- Feodor F. Dragan, Falk Nicolai:
r-Domination Problems on Homogeneously Ordered Graphs (Extended Abstract).
201-210 BibTeX
- Bruno Durand, Jacques Mazoyer:
Growing Patterns in 1D Cellular Automata.
211-220 BibTeX
- Javier Esparza:
Petri Nets, Commutative Context-Free Grammars, and Basic Parallel Processes.
221-232 BibTeX
- Heinz Faßbender:
Implementation of a UU-Algorithm for Primitive Recursive Tree Functions.
233-242 BibTeX
- Maria C. F. Ferreira, Hans Zantema:
Dummy Elimination: Making Termination Easier.
243-252 BibTeX
- Anja Gronewold, Hans Fleischhack:
Computing Petri Net Languages by Reductions.
253-262 BibTeX
- Erik de Haas:
Categorial Graphs (Extended Abstract).
263-272 BibTeX
- Juraj Hromkovic, Ralf Klasing, Dana Pardubská, Walter Unger, Juraj Waczulík, Hubert Wagener:
Effective Systolic Algorithms for Gossiping in Cycles and Two-Dimensional Grids (Extended Abstract).
273-282 BibTeX
- Petr Jancar, Frantisek Mráz, Martin Plátek, Jörg Vogel:
Restarting Automata.
283-292 BibTeX
- Christoph W. Keßler, Thomas Rauber:
Optimal Continguous Expression DAG Evaluations.
293-302 BibTeX
- Hanna Klaudel, Elisabeth Pelz:
Communication as Unification in the Petri Box Calculus.
303-312 BibTeX
- Manfred Kudlek, Alexandru Mateescu:
Distributed Catenation and Chomsky Hierarchy.
313-322 BibTeX
- Martin Kummer, Frank Stephan:
The Power of Frequency Computation (Extended Abstract).
323-332 BibTeX
- Ngoc-Minh Lê:
Randomized Incremental Construction of Simple Abstract Voronoi Diagrams in 3-Space (Extended Abstract).
333-342 BibTeX
- Ioan I. Macarie, Mitsunori Ogihara:
Properties of Probabilistic Pushdown Automata (Extended Abstract).
343-352 BibTeX
- G. S. Makanin, Habib Abdulrab, M. N. Maksimenko:
Formal Parametric Equations.
353-362 BibTeX
- Rolf Niedermeier, Peter Rossmanith:
PRAM's Towards Realistic Parallelism: BRAM's.
363-373 BibTeX
- H. Petersen:
Some Results Concerning Two-Dimensional Turing Machines and Finite Automata.
374-382 BibTeX
- Giovanni Pighizzini:
How Hard is to Compute the Edit Distance.
383-392 BibTeX
- Klaus Reinhardt:
On the Synchronization of Semi-Traces.
393-403 BibTeX
- Eric Rémila:
Tiling with Bars and Satisfaction of Boolean Formulas.
404-413 BibTeX
- Vladimiro Sassone:
Axiomatizing Petri Net Concatenable Processes.
414-423 BibTeX
- Klaus-Dieter Schewe:
Functional Sorts in Data Type Specifications: A Geometric Approach to Semantics.
424-433 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:11:57 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)