
Roman Maeder

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8EERoman Maeder: Grids and network applications - gridMathematica: overview and new developments. SC 2006: 252
7 Beatrice Amrhein, Oliver Gloor, Roman Maeder: Visualizations for Mathematics Courses Based on a Computer Algebra System. J. Symb. Comput. 23(5/6): 447-452 (1997)
6 Giovanni Cesari, Roman Maeder: Parallel 3-Primes FFT Algorithm. DISCO 1996: 174-182
5 Giovanni Cesari, Roman Maeder: Performance Analysis of the Parallel Karatsuba Multiplication Algorithm for Distributed Memory Architectures. J. Symb. Comput. 21(4): 467-473 (1996)
4 Georgios Grivas, Roman Maeder: Matching and Unification for the Object-Oriented Symbolic Computation System AlgBench. DISCO 1993: 164-176
3 Roman Maeder: Storage Allocation for the Karatsuba Integer Multipliation Algorithm. DISCO 1993: 59-65
2 Oliver Gloor, Beatrice Amrhein, Roman Maeder: Illustrated Mathematics: Visualizations for Classroom Use. University Education Uses of Visualization in Scientific Computing 1993: 51-65
1 Roman Maeder: AlgBench: An Object-Oriented Symbolic Core System. DISCO 1992: 56-64

Coauthor Index

1Beatrice Amrhein [2] [7]
2Giovanni Cesari [5] [6]
3Oliver Gloor [2] [7]
4Georgios Grivas [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)