
Alberto Paoluzzi

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23EEFranco Milicchio, Antonio DiCarlo, Alberto Paoluzzi, Vadim Shapiro: A codimension-zero approach to discretizing and solving field problems. Advanced Engineering Informatics 22(2): 172-185 (2008)
22EEAntonio DiCarlo, Franco Milicchio, Alberto Paoluzzi, Vadim Shapiro: Chain-Based Representations for Solid and Physical Modeling CoRR abs/0812.3249: (2008)
21EEGiorgio Scorzelli, Alberto Paoluzzi, Valerio Pascucci: Parallel solid Modeling Using BSP Dataflow. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 18(5): 441-467 (2008)
20EEAntonio DiCarlo, Franco Milicchio, Alberto Paoluzzi, Vadim Shapiro: Solid and physical modeling with chain complexes. Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2007: 73-84
19EEAlberto Paoluzzi: Elmar Langetepe and Gabriel Zachmann, An enjoyable introduction to computational geometry, Geometric data structures for computer graphics, AK Peters Ltd. (2006) ISBN 1-56881-235-3, pp 369. Computer-Aided Design 39(4): 339-340 (2007)
18EEAntonio DiCarlo, Alberto Paoluzzi: Fast computation of inertia through affinely extended Euler tensor. Computer-Aided Design 38(11): 1145-1153 (2006)
17EEAlberto Paoluzzi, Wiley Chichester: A PLaSM Primer: Geometric Programming for Computer-Aided Design. Computer-Aided Design 36(13): 1421-1422 (2004)
16EEAlberto Paoluzzi: Variable-Free Representation of Manifolds via Transfinite Blending with a Functional Language. IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces 2003: 338-354
15 Fausto Bernardini, G. Cenciotti, Alberto Paoluzzi: Transfinite Interpolation of Surfaces with Integral Constraints Using a Design Language. Workshop on Geometric Modeling 2000: 21-34
14EEChandrajit L. Bajaj, S. Cutchin, C. Morgia, Alberto Paoluzzi, Valerio Pascucci: Web based collaborative CAAD. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 1999: 326-327
13EEChandrajit L. Bajaj, C. Baldazzi, S. Cutchin, Alberto Paoluzzi, Valerio Pascucci, Michele Vicentino: A programming approach for complex animations. Part I. Methodology. Computer-Aided Design 31(11): 695-710 (1999)
12EEAlberto Paoluzzi, Andrea D'Ambrogio: A programming approach for complex animations. Part II. Reconstruction of a real disaster. Computer-Aided Design 31(11): 711-732 (1999)
11 Alberto Paoluzzi: Generative Geometric Modeling in a Functional Environment. DISCO 1996: 79-97
10EEAlberto Paoluzzi: Bilinear matrix forms for the area of polygons. Computer-Aided Design 28(4): 301-306 (1996)
9EEValerio Pascucci, Vincenzo Ferrucci, Alberto Paoluzzi: Dimension-independent convex-cell based HPC: representation scheme and implementation issues. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 1995: 163-174
8EEAlberto Paoluzzi, Valerio Pascucci, Michele Vicentino: Geometric Programming: A Programming Approach to Geometric Design. ACM Trans. Graph. 14(3): 266-306 (1995)
7EEFausto Bernardini, Vincenzo Ferrucci, Alberto Paoluzzi, Valerio Pascucci: Product operator on cell complexes. Solid Modeling and Applications 1993: 43-52
6EEAlberto Paoluzzi, Fausto Bernardini, Carlo Cattani, Vincenzo Ferrucci: Dimension-Independent Modeling with Simplicial Complexes. ACM Trans. Graph. 12(1): 56-102 (1993)
5EERoberto Scopigno, Alberto Paoluzzi, Stefano Guerrini, G. Rumolo: Parallel depth-merge: A paradigm for hidden surface removal. Computers & Graphics 17(5): 583-592 (1993)
4EEAlberto Paoluzzi, Claudio Sansoni: Programming language for solid variational geometry. Computer-Aided Design 24(7): 349-366 (1992)
3EEVincenzo Ferrucci, Alberto Paoluzzi: Extrusion and boundary evaluation for multidimensional polyhedra. Computer-Aided Design 23(1): 40-50 (1991)
2EECarlo Cattani, Alberto Paoluzzi: Boundary integration over linear polyhedra. Computer-Aided Design 22(2): 130-135 (1990)
1EEAlberto Paoluzzi, M. Rosina, Roberto Scopigno: A Parallel HW/SW Environment for Image Synthesis. Comput. Graph. Forum 8(3): 227-236 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Chandrajit L. Bajaj [13] [14]
2C. Baldazzi [13]
3Fausto Bernardini [6] [7] [15]
4Carlo Cattani [2] [6]
5G. Cenciotti [15]
6Wiley Chichester [17]
7S. Cutchin [13] [14]
8Andrea D'Ambrogio [12]
9Antonio DiCarlo [18] [20] [22] [23]
10Vincenzo Ferrucci [3] [6] [7] [9]
11Stefano Guerrini [5]
12Franco Milicchio [20] [22] [23]
13C. Morgia [14]
14Valerio Pascucci [7] [8] [9] [13] [14] [21]
15M. Rosina [1]
16G. Rumolo [5]
17Claudio Sansoni [4]
18Roberto Scopigno [1] [5]
19Giorgio Scorzelli [21]
20Vadim Shapiro [20] [22] [23]
21Michele Vicentino [8] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)