
Manuel Bronstein

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28EEManuel Bronstein: Structure theorems for parallel integration. J. Symb. Comput. 42(7): 757-769 (2007)
27EEManuel Bronstein: Parallel integration. Programming and Computer Software 32(1): 59-60 (2006)
26EESergei A. Abramov, Manuel Bronstein, D. E. Khmelnov: On Regular and Logarithmic Solutions of Ordinary Linear Differential Systems. CASC 2005: 1-12
25EEManuel Bronstein, Ziming Li, Min Wu: Picard--Vessiot extensions for linear functional systems. ISSAC 2005: 68-75
24EEManuel Bronstein, Patrick Solé: Linear recurrences with polynomial coefficients. J. Complexity 20(2-3): 171-181 (2004)
23EEManuel Bronstein, Sébastien Lafaille: Solutions of linear ordinary differential equations in terms of special functions. ISSAC 2002: 23-28
22EESergei A. Abramov, Manuel Bronstein: On solutions of linear functional systems. ISSAC 2001: 1-6
21EESergei A. Abramov, Manuel Bronstein: Hypergeometric dispersion and the orbit problem. ISSAC 2000: 8-13
20 Manuel Bronstein: On Solutions of Linear Ordinary Difference Equations in their Coefficient Field. J. Symb. Comput. 29(6): 841-877 (2000)
19EEManuel Bronstein, Anne Fredet: Solving Linear Ordinary Differential Equations over C(x, eint f(x) dx). ISSAC 1999: 173-179
18EEJohn Abbott, Manuel Bronstein, Thom Mulders: Fast Deterministic Computation of Determinants of Dense Matrices. ISSAC 1999: 197-204
17 William Y. Sit, Manuel Bronstein: Foreword of the Guest Editors. J. Symb. Comput. 28(4-5): 435-440 (1999)
16 Manuel Bronstein, Thom Mulders, Jacques-Arthur Weil: On Symmetric Powers of Differential Operators. ISSAC 1997: 156-163
15 Manuel Bronstein: SigmaIT - A Strongly-Typed Embeddable Computer Algebra Library. DISCO 1996: 22-33
14EEManuel Bronstein, Marko Petkovsek: An Introduction to Pseudo-Linear Algebra. Theor. Comput. Sci. 157(1): 3-33 (1996)
13EESergei A. Abramov, Manuel Bronstein, Marko Petkovsek: On Polynomial Solutions of Linear Operator Equations. ISSAC 1995: 290-296
12EEManuel Bronstein: An Improved Algorithm for Factoring Linear Ordinary Differential Operators. ISSAC 1994: 336-340
11EEManuel Bronstein, Bruno Salvy: Full Partial Fraction Decomposition of Rational Functions. ISSAC 1993: 157-160
10EEManuel Bronstein: Linear Ordinary Differential Equations: Breaking Through the Order 2 Barrier. ISSAC 1992: 42-48
9 Manuel Bronstein: On Solutions of Linear Ordinary Differential Equations in their Coefficient Field. J. Symb. Comput. 13(4): 413-440 (1992)
8EEManuel Bronstein: The Risch Differential equation on an Algebraic Curve. ISSAC 1991: 241-246
7 Manuel Bronstein: Formulas for Series Compuatations. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 2: 195-206 (1991)
6 Manuel Bronstein: A Unification of Liouvillian Extensions. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 1: 5-24 (1990)
5 Manuel Bronstein: The Trascendental Risch Differential Equation. J. Symb. Comput. 9(1): 49-60 (1990)
4 Manuel Bronstein: Integration of Elementary Functions. J. Symb. Comput. 9(2): 177-173 (1990)
3EEManuel Bronstein: Simplification of Real Elementary Functions. ISSAC 1989: 207-211
2 Manuel Bronstein: Fast Reduction of the Risch Differential Equation. ISSAC 1988: 64-72
1 Manuel Bronstein: An algorithm for the integration of elementary functions. EUROCAL 1987: 491-497

Coauthor Index

1John Abbott [18]
2Sergei A. Abramov [13] [21] [22] [26]
3Anne Fredet [19]
4D. E. Khmelnov [26]
5Sébastien Lafaille [23]
6Ziming Li [25]
7Thom Mulders [16] [18]
8Marko Petkovsek [13] [14]
9Bruno Salvy [11]
10William Y. Sit [17]
11Patrick Solé [24]
12Jacques-Arthur Weil [16]
13Min Wu [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)