Luís Azevedo, Ana Rita Londral (Eds.):
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health Informatics, HEALTHINF 2008, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, January 28-31, 2008, Volume 2.
INSTICC - Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication 2008, ISBN 978-989-8111-16-6 BibTeX
Short Papers
- Kai Reimers, Mingzhi Li:
Interaction of Technological and Institutional Change in the Development of an Electronic Commerce System in China's Pharmaceutical Distribution Chain - A Transaction Cost Perspective.
3-12 BibTeX
- E. Pecoul, Herbert F. Jelinek:
Diabetes Screening Database - A Comprehensive Electronic Patient Record for Global Risk Assessment in a Rural Community.
13-19 BibTeX
- Stefan Schellhammer, Kai Riemer, Stefan Klein:
E-Ordering in the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain - Explaining Standardisation from a Collective Action Perspective.
20-25 BibTeX
- Thomas Karopka, Ilvio Bruder, Neeltje van den Berg, Wolfgang Hoffmann, Andreas Heuer:
ICT Architecture for a Community Medicine Nurse Project.
26-30 BibTeX
- Gianmarco Angius, Danilo Pani, Luigi Raffo, Stefano Seruis, Paolo Randaccio:
A DVB-T Based System for the Diffusion of Tele-Home Care Practice.
31-36 BibTeX
- Bernardo Gonçalves, José Gonçalves Pereira Filho, Rodrigo Varejão Andreão:
ECGWARE: an ECG Markup Language for Ambulatory Telemonitoring and Decision Making Support.
37-43 BibTeX
- Onur von Burg, Marco Savini, Henrik Stormer, Andreas Meier:
Introducing a Mobile System for the Early Detection of Cardiac Disorders as a Precaution from a Cardiologists' View - Evaluation of a Survey.
44-50 BibTeX
- Mohamed A. Mneimneh, Michael T. Johnson, Richard J. Povinelli:
A Heart Cell Group Model for the Identification of Myocardial Ischemia.
51-58 BibTeX
- André de Souza Tarallo, Adilson Gonzaga, Marco Andrey Cipriano Frade:
Segmentation and Classification of Cutaneous Ulcers in Digital Images Through Artificial Neural Networks.
59-65 BibTeX
- Igor B. Gurevich, Vera Yashina, Heinrich Niemann, Ovidio Salvetti:
Medical Image Mining on the Base of Descriptive Image Algebras - Cytological Specimen Case.
66-73 BibTeX
- Miguel A. Martínez, José Ambrosio Toval Álvarez, Manuel Campos:
Requirements Engineering to Audit Privacy Issues in Medical and Health Software.
74-81 BibTeX
- Felix Apitzsch, Stefan Liske, Thomas Scheffler, Bettina Schnor:
Specifying Security Policies for Electronic Health Records.
82-90 BibTeX
- Jaime S. Cardoso, Luis Filipe Teixeira, Maria J. Cardoso:
Automatic Breast Contour Detection in Digital Photographs.
91-98 BibTeX
- João Fernando Marar, Helder Coelho:
Human Face Verification Based on Multidimensional Polynomial Powers of Sigmoid (PPS).
99-106 BibTeX
- Luis Enrique Sucar, Ron S. Leder, David J. Reinkensmeyer, Jorge Hernández, Gidardo Azcárate, Nallely Casteñeda, Pedro Saucedo:
Gesture Therapy - A Low-Cost Vision-Based System for Rehabilitation after Stroke.
107-111 BibTeX
- Plavcak Ales:
Clinical Practical Guideline Editor - Clinical Practical Guideline-based Decision Support Tool.
112-118 BibTeX
- Mahesh Subramanian, Edward C. Conley, Omer F. Rana, Alex Hardisty, Ali Shaikh Ali, Stephen D. Luzio, David R. Owens, Steve Wright, Tim Donovan, Bharat V. Bedi, Dave Conway-Jones, David Vyvyan, Gillian Arnold, Chris Creasey, Adrian Horgan, Tristram Cox, Rhys Waite:
Novel Sensor Technology Integration for Outcome-Based Risk Analysis in Diabetes.
119-126 BibTeX
- Carlo Emmanoel Tolla de Oliveira, Carla Verônica M. Marques, Jorge Neval Moll Neto:
A Neurocognitive Protocol System to Support Health and Care of Abused Children.
127-132 BibTeX
- José Manuel Vázquez-Naya, Marcos Martínez Romero, Maria Gloria López Cabana, B. González-Conde, F. M. Arnal, Javier Pereira Loureiro, Alejandro Pazos:
An Ontology-Based Information System for Multicenter Epidemiologic Studies on Cancer.
133-139 BibTeX
- Dimitrios Alexandrou, Fotis Xenikoudakis, Gregoris Mentzas:
Adaptive Clinical Pathways with Semantic Web Rules.
140-147 BibTeX
- Daniel Klimes, Ladislav Dusek, Miroslav Kubásek, Jan Novotný, Jindrich Finek, Rostislav Vyzula:
The Structured Storage of Oncological Chemoterapeutic Regimens - Contribution to Standardization of Therapeutic Procedures in Current Oncology.
148-154 BibTeX
- Maja Hadzic, Fedja Hadzic, Tharam S. Dillon:
Mining of Health Information from Ontologies.
155-160 BibTeX
- Günter Schicker, Carolin Kaiser, Freimut Bodendorf:
Process and E-Service Customization - For Coordination in Healthcare Networks.
161-166 BibTeX
- Martín López Nores, José J. Pazos Arias, Jorge García Duque, Yolanda Blanco-Fernández:
A Smart Medicine Manager Delivering Health Care to the Networked Home and Beyond - An Overview of the iCabiNET System.
167-172 BibTeX
- Elvira Rolón Aguilar, Félix García Carballeira, Francisco Ruiz, Mario Piattini, Luis Calahorra, Marcial García, Rafael Martin:
Process Modeling of the Health Sector Using BPMN: A Case Study.
173-178 BibTeX
- Majid M. Altuwaijri:
A New Model for Successful CPOE Deployment and Implementation in Hospitals.
179-185 BibTeX
- Antti Järvelin:
Comparison of Three Neural Network Classifiers for Aphasic and Non-Aphasic Naming Data.
186-190 BibTeX
- David Gil Mendez, Magnus Johnsson, Antonio Soriano Payá, Daniel Ruiz Fernández:
Artificial Neural Networks for Diagnoses of Dysfunctions in Urology.
191-196 BibTeX
- Felipe Mancini, Ivan Torres Pisa, Liu Chiao Yi, Shirley Shizue Nagata Pignatari:
Selection of an Artificial Neural Network Model to Diagnosis Mouth-Breathing Children.
197-200 BibTeX
- Bartlomiej Wilkowski, Óscar Narciso Mortágua Pereira, Paulo Dias, Miguel Castro, Marcin Janicki:
MIAWARE Software - 3D Medical Image Analysis with Automated Reporting Engine and Ontology-based Search.
201-206 BibTeX
- Andrea Andrenucci:
Automated Question-Answering Techniques and the Medical Domain.
207-212 BibTeX
- Arkalgud Ramaprasad, Annette L. Valenta, Ian Brooks:
Clinical and Translational Science Informatics Infrastructure - A Framework and Case Study.
213-218 BibTeX
- Marcos Da Silveira, Nicolas Guelfi:
Exploiting Service Oriented Architectures for the Design of E-Health Systems.
219-224 BibTeX
- Julie Cowie, Kevin Swingler, Clare Leadbetter, Roma Maguire, Kathryn McCall, Nora Kearney:
ASYMS-SERAT: A Side-Effect Risk Assessment Tool to Predict Chemotherapy Related Toxicity in Patients with Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy.
225-230 BibTeX
- Paolo Soda, Giulio Iannello:
Staining Pattern Classification in Antinuclear Autoantibodies Testing.
231-236 BibTeX
- Maria Eugenia Cabello Espinosa, Isidro Ramos Salavert:
A Generic Solution for the Construction of Diagnostic Expert Systems based on Product Lines.
237-246 BibTeX
- Susana Martin-Toral, Jose Luis Rodriguez-Gonzalez, Javier Pérez-Turiel:
Integration Solution for the Access to Heterogeneous Medical Devices - Communication with Healthcare Devices in Intensive Care Units.
247-253 BibTeX
- Ana Londral, Luis Azevedo, Pedro Encarnação:
Electrophysiological Control Signals for Persons with Neurodegenerative Conditions: Blended Control Signals.
254-259 BibTeX
- Francisco Javier Ferrández Pastor, Juan Manuel García Chamizo, Rafael Jesús Valdivieso Sarabia:
A Visual Interface Based on the MVC Paradigm to Locate People.
260-265 BibTeX
- Heather Grain, Kerin Robinson, Belinda Torney, Bardo Fraunholz, Chandana R. Unnithan:
Healthcare in Continuum for an Ageing Population - National Self Monitoring or Remote Offshore Monitoring for Australia?
266-273 BibTeX
- John McGrory, Frank Clarke, Jane Grimson, Peter Gaffney:
Patient-Centred Laboratory Validation Using Software Agents.
274-279 BibTeX
- Petr Aubrecht, Kamil Matousek, Lenka Lhotská:
On Designing an EHCR Repository.
280-285 BibTeX
- Florian Nafz, Frank Ortmeier, Hella Seebach, Wolfgang Reif:
Organic Computing for Health Care Systems - Possible Benefits and Challenges.
286-290 BibTeX
- Martin Luethi:
Using Web Services to Dynamically Embed Medical Content in a Clinical Information System.
291-297 BibTeX
- Gerrit Meixner, Nancy Thiels, Ingo Haschler, Andreas Wicht, Ulrike Klein:
Smart Transplantation - Fever of Unknown Origin after Stem Cell Transplantation as a Model for a Knowledge-Based Decision Support System in Medicine.
298-304 BibTeX
- Ana Edral, Ana Sofia Matos, Beatriz Soares, Carlos Leite, Joana Almeida, João Girão, João Nunes, Maria Isabel Pereira, Miguel Lobato, Mõnica Silva, Rita Boaventura, Sofia Faria, Ricardo João Cruz Correia:
Connecting Hospitals and Health Centres Could Benefit Most of Porto's Children Population - Current Trends in Paedriatic Patients' Mobility between Institutions Requires Implementation of Electronic Patient Records.
305-310 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 22:59:34 2009
by Michael Ley (