2008 |
7 | | Kai Reimers,
Mingzhi Li:
Interaction of Technological and Institutional Change in the Development of an Electronic Commerce System in China's Pharmaceutical Distribution Chain - A Transaction Cost Perspective.
HEALTHINF (2) 2008: 3-12 |
2007 |
6 | | Kaiyun Zhang,
Mingzhi Li,
Yun Tang,
Guoqing Chen,
Kai Reimers:
Beyond Taobao.com: A Case Study on C2C Market in China.
CSREA EEE 2007: 96-101 |
2005 |
5 | EE | Kai Reimers,
Mingzhi Li:
Antecedents of a Transaction Cost Theory of Vertical IS Standardization Processes.
Electronic Markets 15(4): 301-312 (2005) |
4 | | Kai Reimers,
Mingzhi Li:
Should Buyers Try to Shape IT Markets Through Non-Market (Collective) Action? Antecedents of a Transaction Cost Theory of Network Effects.
Int. J. IT Standards and Standardization Res. 3(1): 44-67 (2005) |
2004 |
3 | | Xiaochen Wang,
Mingzhi Li:
A Value Chain Based Analysis of Electronic Commerce's Transformation of China 's Pharmaceutical Industry.
ICEB 2004: 488-492 |
2 | EE | Kai Reimers,
Mingzhi Li,
Guoqing Chen:
A Multi-Level Approach for Devising Effective B2B E-Commerce Development Strategies with an Application to the Case of China.
Electronic Commerce Research 4(3): 287-305 (2004) |
2002 |
1 | | Qingxuan Meng,
Mingzhi Li:
New Economy and ICT development in China.
Information Economics and Policy 14(2): 275-295 (2002) |