
Francisco Javier Ferrández Pastor

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2 Francisco Javier Ferrández Pastor, Juan Manuel García Chamizo, Rafael Jesús Valdivieso Sarabia: A Visual Interface Based on the MVC Paradigm to Locate People. HEALTHINF (2) 2008: 260-265
1EEJosé-Luis Sánchez Romero, Francisco Javier Ferrández Pastor, Antonio Soriano Payá, Juan Manuel García Chamizo: Fuzzy Logic-Based Modeling of the Biological Regulator of Blood Glucose. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 2004: 835-840

Coauthor Index

1Juan Manuel García Chamizo [1] [2]
2Antonio Soriano Payá [1]
3José-Luis Sánchez Romero [1]
4Rafael Jesús Valdivieso Sarabia [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)