
Bardo Fraunholz

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3 Heather Grain, Kerin Robinson, Belinda Torney, Bardo Fraunholz, Chandana R. Unnithan: Healthcare in Continuum for an Ageing Population - National Self Monitoring or Remote Offshore Monitoring for Australia? HEALTHINF (2) 2008: 266-273
2EEEvelyn Teo, Bardo Fraunholz, Chandana R. Unnithan: Inhibitors and Facilitators for Mobile Payment Adoption in Australia: A Preliminary Study. ICMB 2005: 663-666
1EEBardo Fraunholz, Chandana R. Unnithan: Critical success factors in mobile communications: a comparative roadmap for Germany and India. IJMC 2(1): 87-101 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Heather Grain [3]
2Kerin Robinson [3]
3Evelyn Teo [2]
4Belinda Torney [3]
5Chandana R. Unnithan [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)