
Qi Xie

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6EEQi Xie, Ji-Lin Wang, De-Ren Chen, Xiu-Yuan Yu: A Novel User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards. CSSE (3) 2008: 834-836
5EEJuan Chen, Dayou Liu, Changhai Zhang, Qi Xie: Combinative Reasoning with RCC5 and Cardinal Direction Relations. KSEM 2007: 92-102
4 Haibo Yu, Qi Xie, Haiyan Che: Research on Description Logic Based Conflict Detection Methods for RB-RBAC Model. AMT 2006: 335-339
3EEQi Xie, Dayou Liu, Haibo Yu: Using Description Logic to Determine Seniority Among RB-RBAC Authorization Rules. RSKT 2006: 604-609
2EEQi Xie: Improvement of Tzeng et al.'s nonrepudiable threshold proxy signature scheme with known signers. Applied Mathematics and Computation 168(2): 776-782 (2005)
1EEQi Xie, Xiu-Yuan Yu: Cryptanalysis of Tseng et al.'s authenticated encryption schemes. Applied Mathematics and Computation 158(1): 1-5 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Haiyan Che [4]
2De-Ren Chen [6]
3Juan Chen [5]
4Dayou Liu [3] [5]
5Ji-Lin Wang [6]
6Xiu-Yuan Yu [1] [6]
7Haibo Yu [3] [4]
8Changhai Zhang [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)