On Concurrency Control by Multiple Versions.

Christos H. Papadimitriou, Paris C. Kanellakis: On Concurrency Control by Multiple Versions. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 9(1): 89-99(1984)
  author    = {Christos H. Papadimitriou and
               Paris C. Kanellakis},
  title     = {On Concurrency Control by Multiple Versions},
  journal   = {ACM Trans. Database Syst.},
  volume    = {9},
  number    = {1},
  year      = {1984},
  pages     = {89-99},
  ee        = {, db/journals/tods/PapadimitriouK84.html},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


We examine the problem of concurrency control when the database management system supports multiple versions of the data. We characterize the limit of the parallelism achievable by the multiversion approach and demonstrate the resulting space-parallelism trade-off.

Copyright © 1984 by the ACM, Inc., used by permission. Permission to make digital or hard copies is granted provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial advantage, and that copies show this notice on the first page or initial screen of a display along with the full citation.

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Rudolf Bayer, Hans Heller, Angelika Reiser: Parallelism and Recovery in Database Systems. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 5(2): 139-156(1980) BibTeX
Philip A. Bernstein, Nathan Goodman: Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Systems. ACM Comput. Surv. 13(2): 185-221(1981) BibTeX
Kapali P. Eswaran, Jim Gray, Raymond A. Lorie, Irving L. Traiger: The Notions of Consistency and Predicate Locks in a Database System. Commun. ACM 19(11): 624-633(1976) BibTeX
M. R. Garey, David S. Johnson: Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness. W. H. Freeman 1979, ISBN 0-7167-1044-7
Jim Gray: Notes on Data Base Operating Systems. Advanced Course: Operating Systems 1978: 393-481 BibTeX
H. T. Kung, Christos H. Papadimitriou: An Optimality Theory of Concurrency Control for Databases. SIGMOD Conference 1979: 116-126 BibTeX
Georg Lausen: Serializability Problems of Interleaved Database Transactions. ECI 1981: 252-265 BibTeX
Shojiro Muro, Tiko Kameda, Toshimi Minoura: Multi-version Concurrency Control Scheme for a Database System. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 29(2): 207-224(1984) BibTeX
Christos H. Papadimitriou: The serializability of concurrent database updates. J. ACM 26(4): 631-653(1979) BibTeX
Christos H. Papadimitriou: On the Power of Locking. SIGMOD Conference 1981: 148-154 BibTeX
Richard Edwin Stearns, Philip M. Lewis II, Daniel J. Rosenkrantz: Concurrency Control for Database Systems. FOCS 1976: 19-32 BibTeX
Richard Edwin Stearns, Daniel J. Rosenkrantz: Distributed Database Concurrency Controls Using Before-Values. SIGMOD Conference 1981: 74-83 BibTeX
Mihalis Yannakakis, Christos H. Papadimitriou, H. T. Kung: Locking Policies: Safety and Freedom from Deadlock. FOCS 1979: 286-297 BibTeX

Referenced by

  1. Man Hon Wong, Divyakant Agrawal: Context-Based Synchronisation: An Approach beyond Semantics for Concurrency Control. PODS 1993: 276-287
  2. Tadeusz Morzy: The Correctness of Concurrency Control for Multiversion Database Systems with Limited Number of Versions. ICDE 1993: 595-604
  3. Paul M. Bober, Michael J. Carey: Multiversion Query Locking. VLDB 1992: 497-510
  4. Sang Hyuk Son, Navid Haghighi: Performance Evaluation of Multiversion Database Systems. ICDE 1990: 129-136
  5. Jeffrey D. Ullman: Principles of Database and Knowledge-Base Systems, Volume II. Computer Science Press 1989, ISBN 0-7167-8162-X
  6. Thanasis Hadzilacos: Serialization Graph Algorithms for Multiversion Concurrency Control. PODS 1988: 135-141
  7. K. Vidyasankar, Christopher N. G. Dampney: Version Consistency and Serializability in Design Databases. ICDT 1988: 368-382
  8. Mohan Ahuja, James C. Browne: Performance Evaluation of Two Concurrency Control Protocols for Distributed Databases with Multiversioned Entities. ICDE 1988: 426-436
  9. Toshihide Ibaraki, Tiko Kameda, Toshimi Minoura: Serializability with Constraints. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 12(3): 429-452(1987)
  10. Gio Wiederhold, Xiaolei Qian: Modeling Asynchrony in Distributed Databases. ICDE 1987: 246-250
  11. Philip A. Bernstein, Vassos Hadzilacos, Nathan Goodman: Concurrency Control and Recovery in Database Systems. Addison-Wesley 1987, ISBN 0-201-10715-5
  12. Meichun Hsu, Arvola Chan: Partitioned Two-Phase Locking. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 11(4): 431-446(1986)
  13. Pei-Jyun Leu, Bharat K. Bhargava: Multidimensional Timestamp Protocols for Concurrency Control. ICDE 1986: 482-489
  14. Thanasis Hadzilacos, Christos H. Papadimitriou: Algorithmic Aspects of Multiversion Concurrency Control. PODS 1985: 96-104
  15. Marco A. Casanova, Arnaldo V. Moura, Luiz Tucherman: On the Correctness of a Local Storage Subsystem. PODS 1985: 123-134
  16. Peter Dadam, Vincent Y. Lum, H.-D. Werner: Integration of Time Versions into a Relational Database System. VLDB 1984: 509-522
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