
Vyacheslav V. Prelov

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7EEIlya Dumer, Mark S. Pinsker, Vyacheslav V. Prelov: On the Thinnest Coverings of Spheres and Ellipsoids with Balls in Hamming and Euclidean Spaces. GTIT-C 2006: 898-925
6EEIlya Dumer, Mark S. Pinsker, Vyacheslav V. Prelov: On the thinnest coverings of spheres and ellipsoids with balls in Hamming and Euclidean spaces. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 21: 277 (2005)
5 Ilya Dumer, Mark S. Pinsker, Vyacheslav V. Prelov: On coverings of ellipsoids in Euclidean spaces. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 50(10): 2348-2356 (2004)
4 Vyacheslav V. Prelov, Sergio Verdú: Second-Order Asymptotics of Mutual Information. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 50(8): 1567-1580 (2004)
3 Mark S. Pinsker, Vyacheslav V. Prelov, Sergio Verdú: Sensitivity of channel capacity. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 41(6): 1877-1888 (1995)
2 Vyacheslav V. Prelov, Edward C. van der Meulen: An asymptotic expression for the information and capacity of a multidimensional channel with weak input signals. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 39(5): 1728- (1993)
1 Kristien de Bruyn, Vyacheslav V. Prelov, Edward C. van der Meulen: Reliable transmission of two correlated sources over an asymmetric multiple-access channel. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 33(5): 716- (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Kristien de Bruyn [1]
2Ilya Dumer [5] [6] [7]
3Edward C. van der Meulen [1] [2]
4Mark S. Pinsker [3] [5] [6] [7]
5Sergio Verdú [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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