
Theodore E. Tedijanto

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7 Levent Gün, Theodore E. Tedijanto, Phillip F. Chimento Jr.: Dynamic connection admission mechanisms for the Networking BroadBand Services architecture. Telecommunication Systems 7(1-3): 153-183 (1997)
6 Hamid Ahmadi, Phillip F. Chimento Jr., Roch Guérin, Levent Gün, Bouchung Lin, Raif O. Onvural, Theodore E. Tedijanto: NBBS Traffic Management Overview. IBM Systems Journal 34(4): 604-628 (1995)
5 Theodore E. Tedijanto, Raif O. Onvural, Dinesh C. Verma, Levent Gün, Roch Guérin: NBBS Path Selection Framework. IBM Systems Journal 34(4): 629-639 (1995)
4EEMichael O. Ball, Andrew Vakhutinsky, Phillip F. Chimento Jr., Levent Gün, Theodore E. Tedijanto: Distributed Call Rerouting in Multiclass Broadband Networks. J. Network Syst. Manage. 3(4): 381-404 (1995)
3 Theodore E. Tedijanto, Levent Gün: Effectiveness of Dynamic Bandwidth Management Mechanisms in ATM Networks. INFOCOM 1993: 358-367
2 Theodore E. Tedijanto: A Note on the Comparison Between Bernoulli and Limited Policies in Vacation Models. Perform. Eval. 15(2): 89-97 (1992)
1 Theodore E. Tedijanto: Exact Results for the Cyclic-Service Queue with a Bernoulli Schedule. Perform. Eval. 11(2): 107-115 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Hamid Ahmadi [6]
2Michael O. Ball [4]
3Phillip F. Chimento Jr. [4] [6] [7]
4Roch Guérin [5] [6]
5Levent Gün [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
6Bouchung Lin [6]
7Raif O. Onvural [5] [6]
8Andrew Vakhutinsky [4]
9Dinesh C. Verma [5]

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