
Geon Cho

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6EEJaesung Park, Kyung Ho Jung, Yunhee Lee, Geon Cho, Jae Jon Kim, Joon Koh: The Continuous Service Usage Intention in the Web Analytics Services. HICSS 2009: 1-7
5EEGeon Cho, Soon-Hoo So, Jae Jon Kim, Yi Sook Park, Hyong Ho Park, Kyung Ho Jung, Choon-Sup Noh: An Optimal Decision Making Model for Supplier and Buyer's Win-Win Strategy in a Two Echelon Supply Chain. HICSS 2008: 69
4EEDong X. Shaw, Geon Cho: The critical-item, upper bounds, and a branch-and-bound algorithm for the tree knapsack problem. Networks 31(4): 205-216 (1998)
3EEGeon Cho, Dong X. Shaw, Seong-Lyun Kim: An efficient algorithm for a capacitated subtree of a tree problem in local access telecommunication networks. Computers & OR 24(8): 737-748 (1997)
2EEGeon Cho, Dong X. Shaw: A Depth-First Dynamic Programming Algorithm for the Tree Knapsack Problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing 9(4): 431-438 (1997)
1 Dong X. Shaw, Geon Cho, Hsuliang Chang: A depth-first dynamic programming procedure for the extended tree knapsack problem in local access network design. Telecommunication Systems 7(1-3): 29-43 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Hsuliang Chang [1]
2Kyung Ho Jung [5] [6]
3Jae Jon Kim [5] [6]
4Seong-Lyun Kim [3]
5Joon Koh [6]
6Yunhee Lee [6]
7Choon-Sup Noh [5]
8Hyong Ho Park [5]
9Jaesung Park [6]
10Yi Sook Park [5]
11Dong X. Shaw [1] [2] [3] [4]
12Soon-Hoo So [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)