
Wayne A. Ray

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5 S. Katz, Wayne A. Ray, G. Walder: Multiprocessor software for the CYBERPLUS high performance system. Parallel Computing 8(1-3): 231-244 (1988)
4 Wayne A. Ray: The Advanced Flexible Processors (AFP). COMPCON 1985: 18-20
3 Wayne A. Ray: CYBERPLUS, a high performance parallel processing system for simulation applications. Simulationstechnik 1985: 23-34
2 Wayne A. Ray: New Multiparallel Systems - Cyberplus. ARCS 1984: 51-60
1 Wayne A. Ray, Moshe R. Heller: CYPERPLUS, one in a family of MULTIPARALLEL-PROCESSORS for high-speed-simulation. Simulationstechnik 1984: 313-316

Coauthor Index

1Moshe R. Heller [1]
2S. Katz [5]
3G. Walder [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)