
Clive F. Baillie

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10 Clive F. Baillie, John Michalakes, Roar Skålin: Regional Weather Modeling on Parallel Computers. Parallel Computing 23(14): 2135-2142 (1997)
9 Clive F. Baillie, A. E. MacDonald, J.-L. Lee: QNH: a numerical weather prediction model developed for massively parallel processors. EUROSIM 1996: 399-406
8EEClive F. Baillie, Dirk Grunwald, Suvas Vajracharya: Application of an Object-Oriented Parallel Run-Time System to a Grand Challenge 3D Multi-Grid Code. HICSS (1) 1996: 251-260
7EEClive F. Baillie, James C. McWilliams, Jeffrey B. Weiss, Irad Yavneh: Implementation and Performance of a Grand Challenge 3d Quasi-Geostrophic Multi-Grid code on the Cray T3D and IBM SP2. SC 1995
6EEClive F. Baillie, Paul D. Coddington: Cluster Identification Algorithms for Spin Models - Sequential and Parallel. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 3(2): 129-144 (1991)
5 Paul Messina, Clive F. Baillie, Edward W. Felten, Paul Hipes, Ray Williams, Arnold Alagar, Anke Kamrath, Robert Leary, Wayne Pfeiffer, Jack M. Rogers, David Walker: Benchmarking Advanced Architecture Computers. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 2(3): 195-255 (1990)
4EERalph G. Brickner, Clive F. Baillie: Pure Gauge QCD on the Connection Machine. International Journal of High Speed Computing 1(2): 303-320 (1989)
3 G. Stuart Pawley, Clive F. Baillie, E. Tenenbaum, William Celmaster: The BBN Butterfly used to simulate a molecular liquid. Parallel Computing 11(3): 321-329 (1989)
2 Clive F. Baillie, G. Stuart Pawley: A comparison of the CM with the DAP for lattice gauge theory. Parallel Computing 12(2): 209-220 (1989)
1 Clive F. Baillie: Comparing shared and distributed memory computers. Parallel Computing 8(1-3): 101-110 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Arnold Alagar [5]
2Ralph G. Brickner [4]
3William Celmaster [3]
4Paul D. Coddington [6]
5Edward W. Felten [5]
6Dirk Grunwald [8]
7Paul Hipes [5]
8Anke Kamrath [5]
9Robert Leary [5]
10J.-L. Lee [9]
11A. E. MacDonald [9]
12James C. McWilliams [7]
13Paul Messina [5]
14John Michalakes [10]
15G. Stuart Pawley [2] [3]
16Wayne Pfeiffer [5]
17Jack M. Rogers [5]
18Roar Skålin [10]
19E. Tenenbaum [3]
20Suvas Vajracharya [8]
21David Walker [5]
22Jeffrey B. Weiss [7]
23Ray Williams [5]
24Irad Yavneh [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)