
Binay Sugla

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10 Ajita John, Binay Sugla, Hari Krishnan, Edwin Park, Arni Raghu, Roshan Sequiera, Ajay Wanchoo: An Architecture for Provisioning IP Services in an Operations Support System. Integrated Network Management 2003: 455-458
9EEDanny Raz, Binay Sugla: Economically managing multiple private data networks. NOMS 2000: 491-503
8EEAjita John, Keith Vanderveen, Binay Sugla: An XML-based Framework for Dynamic SNMP MIB Extension. DSOM 1999: 107-120
7EEP. Krishnan, Binay Sugla: Utility of Co-Operating Web Proxy Caches. Computer Networks 30(1-7): 195-203 (1998)
6EEDavid Lee, Arun N. Netravali, Krishan K. Sabnani, Binay Sugla, Ajita John: Passive testing and applications to network management. ICNP 1997: 113-
5 David J. Goodman, P. Krishnan, Binay Sugla: Minimizing Queuing Delays and Number of Messages in Mobile Phone Location. MONET 1(1): 39-48 (1996)
4 Jack Goldberg, Hermann Kopetz, Binay Sugla, Chris J. Walter: Towards Effective Integration of Fault Tolerance and Real Time (Panel). FTCS 1994: 230
3 Binay Sugla, David A. Carlson: Extreme Area-Time Tradeoffs in VLSI. IEEE Trans. Computers 39(2): 251-257 (1990)
2 Binay Sugla, John T. Edmark, Bethany S. Robinson: An Introduction to the CAPER Application Programming Environment. ICPP (2) 1989: 107-111
1 David A. Carlson, Binay Sugla: Adapting shuffle-exchange like parallel processing organizations to work as systolic arrays. Parallel Computing 11(1): 93-106 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1David A. Carlson [1] [3]
2John T. Edmark [2]
3Jack Goldberg [4]
4David J. Goodman [5]
5Ajita John [6] [8] [10]
6Hermann Kopetz [4]
7Hari Krishnan [10]
8P. Krishnan [5] [7]
9David Lee [6]
10Arun N. Netravali [6]
11Edwin Park [10]
12Arni Raghu [10]
13Danny Raz [9]
14Bethany S. Robinson [2]
15Krishan K. Sabnani [6]
16Roshan Sequiera [10]
17Keith Vanderveen [8]
18Chris J. Walter [4]
19Ajay Wanchoo [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)