Volume 67,
Number 221,
- James H. Bramble, Joseph E. Pasciak, Apostol T. Vassilev:
Analysis of non-overlapping domain decomposition algorithms with inexact solves.
1-19 BibTeX
- Kazufumi Ito, Franz Kappel:
The Trotter-Kato theorem and approximation of PDEs.
21-44 BibTeX
- Stig Larsson, Vidar Thomée, Lars B. Wahlbin:
Numerical solution of parabolic integro-differential equations by the discontinuous Galerkin method.
45-71 BibTeX
- Sigal Gottlieb, Chi-Wang Shu:
Total variation diminishing Runge-Kutta schemes.
73-85 BibTeX
- Haitao Fan:
Existence and uniqueness of traveling waves and error estimates for Godunov schemes of conservation laws.
87-109 BibTeX
- Alfredo Bermúdez, Ricardo Durán, Rodolfo Rodríguez:
Finite element analysis of compressible and incompressible fluid-solid systems.
111-136 BibTeX
- Héctor D. Ceniceros, Thomas Y. Hou:
Convergence of a non-stiff boundary integral method for interfacial flows with surface tension.
137-182 BibTeX
- Willem Hundsdorfer:
A note on stability of the Douglas splitting method.
183-190 BibTeX
- Amos Ron, Zuowei Shen:
Compactly supported tight affine spline frames in L2(Rd).
191-207 BibTeX
- M. Jesús Castel, Violeta Migallón, José Penadés:
Convergence of non-stationary parallel multisplitting methods for hermitian positive definite matrices.
209-220 BibTeX
- Suely Oliveira:
A new parallel chasing algorithm for transforming arrowhead matrices to tridiagonal form.
221-235 BibTeX
- Jean Claude Miellou, Didier El Baz, Pierre Spitéri:
A new class of asynchronous iterative algorithms with order intervals.
237-255 BibTeX
- Hidetsune Kobayashi, Hideo Suzuki, Yoshihiko Sakai:
Numerical calculation of the multiplicity of a solution to algebraic equations.
257-270 BibTeX
- A. Melman:
Analysis of third-order methods for secular equations.
271-286 BibTeX
- Isao Shoji:
Approximation of continuous time stochastic processes by a local linearization method.
287-298 BibTeX
- Fred J. Hickernell:
A generalized discrepancy and quadrature error bound.
299-322 BibTeX
- Riadh Ben Ghanem:
Quadrature formulae using zeros of Bessel functions as nodes.
323-336 BibTeX
- Kie H. Ham, Gary L. Mullen:
Distribution of irreducible polynomials of small degrees over finite fields.
337-341 BibTeX
- Shuhong Gao, Joachim von zur Gathen, Daniel Panario:
Gauss periods: orders and cryptographical applications.
343-352 BibTeX
- Igor A. Semaev:
Evaluation of discrete logarithms in a group of p-torsion points of an elliptic curve in characteristic p.
353-356 BibTeX
- Mike J. Grannell, Terry S. Griggs, Rudolf Mathon:
Steiner systems S(5, 6, v) with v = 72 and 84.
357-359 BibTeX
- Michael E. Pohst, K. Wildanger:
Tables of unit groups and class groups of quintic fields and a regulator bound.
361-367 BibTeX
- Stanislav Jakubec:
On divisibility of the class number h+ of the real cyclotomic fields of prime degree l.
369-398 BibTeX
- Graeme L. Cohen, Herman J. J. te Riele:
On phi-amicable pairs.
399-411 BibTeX
- Michael A. Bennett, Benjamin M. M. de Weger:
On the Diophantine equation |axn - byn | = 1.
413-438 BibTeX
- J. H. E. Cohn:
A conjecture of Erdös on 3-powerful numbers.
439-440 BibTeX
- Anders Björn, Hans Riesel:
Factors of generalized Fermat numbers.
441-446 BibTeX
Volume 67,
Number 222,
- Georgios Akrivis, Michel Crouzeix, Charalambos Makridakis:
Implicit-explicit multistep finite element methods for nonlinear parabolic problems.
457-477 BibTeX
- Ohannes A. Karakashian, Charalambos Makridakis:
A space-time finite element method for the nonlinear Schröinger equation: the discontinuous Galerkin method.
479-499 BibTeX
- Norbert Heuer, Ernst P. Stephan, Thanh Tran:
Multilevel additive Schwarz method for the h-p version of the Galerkin boundary element method.
501-518 BibTeX
- Xiaojun Chen, Liqun Qi, Defeng Sun:
Global and superlinear convergence of the smoothing Newton method and its application to general box constrained variational inequalities.
519-540 BibTeX
- Zhimin Zhang:
Derivative superconvergent points in finite element solutions of Poisson's equation for the serendipity and intermediate families - a theoretical justification.
541-552 BibTeX
- Christophe Labreuche:
A convergence theorem for the fast multipole method for 2 dimensional scattering problems.
553-591 BibTeX
- Weidong Lu:
Convergence of a random walk method for a partial differential equation.
593-602 BibTeX
- Paul A. Farrell, John J. H. Miller, Eugene O'Riordan, Grigorii I. Shishkin:
On the non-existence of epsilon-uniform finite difference methods on uniform meshes for semilinear two-point boundary value problems.
603-617 BibTeX
- Bao Cheng Li, Stavros Syngellakis:
Numerical conformal mapping based on the generalised conjugation operator.
619-639 BibTeX
- Lori A. Carmack:
Numerical evaluation of a symmetric potential function.
641-646 BibTeX
- Rong-Qing Jia:
Approximation properties of multivariate wavelets.
647-665 BibTeX
- Zhangxin Chen, Peter Oswald:
Multigrid and multilevel methods for nonconforming Q1 elements.
667-693 BibTeX
- Chen Greif, David Levin:
The d2-transformation for infinite double series and the D2-transformation for infinite double integrals.
695-714 BibTeX
- Franck Beaucoup, Peter B. Borwein, David W. Boyd, Christopher Pinner:
Power series with restricted coefficients and a root on a given ray.
715-736 BibTeX
- Rudolf Scharlau, Boris Hemkemeier:
Classification of integral lattices with large class number.
737-749 BibTeX
- Ruedi Suter:
The number of lattice points in alcoves and the exponents of the finite Weyl groups.
751-758 BibTeX
- Gerhard Niklasch, Nigel P. Smart:
Exceptional units in a family of quartic number fields.
759-772 BibTeX
- Henri Cohen, Francisco Diaz y Diaz, Michel Olivier:
Computing ray class groups, conductors and discriminants.
773-795 BibTeX
- Richard Blecksmith, John Brillhart, Irving Gerst:
A constructive theory of triple and quintuple product identities of the second degree.
797-814 BibTeX
- Gregory P. Dresden:
Orbits of algebraic numbers with low heights.
815-820 BibTeX
- Michel Grandcolas:
Diameters of complete sets of conjugate algebraic integers of small degree.
821-831 BibTeX
- Kiran S. Kedlaya:
Solving constrained Pell equations.
833-842 BibTeX
- Takashi Agoh, Karl Dilcher, Ladislav Skula:
Wilson quotients for composite moduli.
843-861 BibTeX
- Yannick Saouter:
Checking the odd Goldbach conjecture up to 1020.
863-866 BibTeX
Volume 67,
Number 223,
- Alfred H. Schatz:
Pointwise error estimates and asymptotic error expansion inequalities for the finite element method on irregular grids: Part I. Global estimates.
877-899 BibTeX
- James H. Bramble, Tong Sun:
A negative-norm least squares method for Reissner-Mindlin plates.
901-916 BibTeX
- Bo Li, Mitchell Luskin:
Nonconforming finite element approximation of crystalline microstructure.
917-946 BibTeX
- R. A. Nicolaides, D.-Q. Wang:
Convergence analysis of a covolume scheme for Maxwell's equations in three dimensions.
947-963 BibTeX
- Qiang Du:
Discrete gauge invariant approximations of a time dependent Ginzburg-Landau model of superconductivity.
965-986 BibTeX
- Qiya Hu:
Interpolation correction for collocation solutions of Fredholm integro-differential equations.
987-999 BibTeX
- J. C. Butcher, R. P. K. Chan:
Efficient Runge-Kutta integrators for index-2 differential algebraic equations.
1001-1021 BibTeX
- Konstantin Mischaikow, Marian Mrozek:
Chaos in the Lorenz equations: A computer assisted proof. Part II: Details.
1023-1046 BibTeX
- Willem Hundsdorfer:
Trapezoidal and midpoint splittings for initial-boundary value problems.
1047-1062 BibTeX
- Knut S. Eckhoff:
On a high order numerical method for functions with singularities.
1063-1087 BibTeX
- Chun-Hua Guo, Peter Lancaster:
Analysis and modificaton of Newton's method for algebraic Riccati equations.
1089-1105 BibTeX
- Satya Deo, Lipika Mazumdar:
An algorithm for constructing a basis for Cr-spline modules over polynomial rings.
1107-1120 BibTeX
- David Keith Maslen:
The efficient computation of Fourier transforms on the symmetric group.
1121-1147 BibTeX
- John D. Hobby:
A natural lattice basis problem with applications.
1149-1161 BibTeX
- Richard E. Crandall:
Fast evaluation of multiple zeta sums.
1163-1172 BibTeX
- Bernt Lindström:
Finding finite B2-sequences faster.
1173-1178 BibTeX
- Erich Kaltofen, Victor Shoup:
Subquadratic-time factoring of polynomials over finite fields.
1179-1197 BibTeX
- Sándor Szabó, Coburn Ward:
Factoring elementary groups of prime cube order into subsets.
1199-1206 BibTeX
- Chris Charnes, Ulrich Dempwolff:
The translation planes of order 49 and their automorphism groups.
1207-1224 BibTeX
- René Schoof:
Minus class groups of the fields of the $l$-th roots of unity.
1225-1245 BibTeX
- L. Dewaghe:
Remarks on the Schoof-Elkies-Atkin algorithm.
1247-1252 BibTeX
- Daniel J. Bernstein:
Detecting perfect powers in essentially linear time.
1253-1283 BibTeX
- Anitha Srinivasan:
Computations of class numbers of real quadratic fields.
1285-1308 BibTeX
- Randy L. Ekl:
New results in equal sums of like powers.
1309-1315 BibTeX
- Ray Steiner:
Class number bounds and Catalan's equation.
1317-1322 BibTeX
- Peter Hagis Jr., Graeme L. Cohen:
Every odd perfect number has a prime factor which exceeds 106.
1323-1330 BibTeX
Volume 67,
Number 224,
- R. Verfürth:
A posteriori error estimates for nonlinear problems. Lr(0, T; Lrho(Omega))-error estimates for finite element discretizations of parabolic equations.
1335-1360 BibTeX
- Willy Dörfler, Martin Rumpf:
An adaptive strategy for elliptic problems including a posteriori controlled boundary approximation.
1361-1382 BibTeX
- Lung-an Ying:
Vortex method for two dimensional Euler equations in bounded domains with boundary correction.
1383-1400 BibTeX
- Rafikul Alam, Rekha P. Kulkarni, Balmohan V. Limaye:
Accelerated spectral approximation.
1401-1422 BibTeX
- Ning Hu, Xian-Zhong Guo, I. Norman Katz:
Bounds for eigenvalues and condition numbers in the p-version of the finite element method.
1423-1450 BibTeX
- Karen A. Ames, Gordon W. Clark, James F. Epperson, Seth F. Oppenheimer:
A comparison of regularizations for an ill-posed problem.
1451-1471 BibTeX
- Jukka Saranen, Gennadi Vainikko:
Fast solvers of integral and pseudodifferential equations on closed curves.
1473-1491 BibTeX
- G. Monegato, L. Scuderi:
High order methods for weakly singular integral equations with nonsmooth input functions.
1493-1515 BibTeX
- David Levin:
The approximation power of moving least-squares.
1517-1531 BibTeX
- Rong-Qing Jia, Sherman D. Riemenschneider, Ding-Xuan Zhou:
Vector subdivision schemes and multiple wavelets.
1533-1563 BibTeX
- Atsushi Nagai, Tetsuji Tokihiro, Junkichi Satsuma:
The Toda molecule equation and the epsilon-algorithm.
1565-1575 BibTeX
- Daniel Potts, Gabriele Steidl, Manfred Tasche:
Fast algorithms for discrete polynomial transforms.
1577-1590 BibTeX
- Nicholas J. Higham:
Factorizing complex symmetric matrices with positive definite real and imaginary parts.
1591-1599 BibTeX
- Natasha Flyer:
Asymptotic upper bounds for the coefficients in the Chebyshev series expansion for a general order integral of a function.
1601-1616 BibTeX
- Josef Leydold, Wolfgang Hörmann:
A sweep-plane algorithm for generating random tuples in simple polytopes.
1617-1635 BibTeX
- Edlyn Teske:
A space efficient algorithm for group structure computation.
1637-1663 BibTeX
- Jeremy Teitelbaum:
Euclid's algorithm and the Lanczos method over finite fields.
1665-1678 BibTeX
- Igor A. Semaev:
An algorithm for evaluation of discrete logarithms in some nonprime finite fields.
1679-1689 BibTeX
- Marc Deléglise, Joël Rivat:
Computing psi(x).
1691-1696 BibTeX
- Michael J. Mossinghoff:
Polynomials with small Mahler measure.
1697-1705 BibTeX
- Michael J. Mossinghoff, Christopher G. Pinner, Jeffrey D. Vaaler:
Perturbing polynomials with all their roots on the unit circle.
1707-1726 BibTeX
- P. Goetgheluck:
Infinite families of solutions of the equation binom(n, k) = 2 binom(a, b).
1727-1733 BibTeX
- Jeff Young:
Large primes and Fermat factors.
1735-1738 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:13:50 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)