
Rudolf Mathon

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20EERudolf Mathon, Anne Penfold Street, Greg Gamble: Classification of partitions of all triples on ten points into copies of Fano and affine planes. Discrete Mathematics 308(13): 2789-2795 (2008)
19EERudolf Mathon, Anne Penfold Street: Mixed partitions of sets of triples into small planes. Discrete Mathematics 284(1-3): 209-215 (2004)
18EENicholas Hamilton, Rudolf Mathon: On the spectrum of non-Denniston maximal arcs in PG(2, 2h). Eur. J. Comb. 25(3): 415-421 (2004)
17EEBrenton D. Gray, Rudolf Mathon, Tony Moran, Anne Penfold Street: The spectrum of minimal defining sets of some Steiner systems. Discrete Mathematics 261(1-3): 277-284 (2003)
16 Rudolf Mathon, Anne Penfold Street: Partitioning Sets of Triples into Small Planes. Des. Codes Cryptography 27(1-2): 119-130 (2002)
15EERudolf Mathon, Anne Penfold Street: Overlarge sets of 2-(11, 5, 2) designs and related configurations. Discrete Mathematics 255(1-3): 275-286 (2002)
14EERudolf Mathon: New Maximal Arcs in Desarguesian Planes. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 97(2): 353-368 (2002)
13EENicholas Hamilton, Rudolf Mathon: Existence and Non-existence ofm-systems of Polar Spaces. Eur. J. Comb. 22(1): 51-61 (2001)
12EENicholas Hamilton, Rudolf Mathon: Strongly Regular (alpha, beta)-Geometries. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 95(2): 234-250 (2001)
11 Rudolf Mathon, Tran van Trung: Directed-Packings and Directed -Steiner Systems. Des. Codes Cryptography 18(1/3): 187-198 (1999)
10 Mike J. Grannell, Terry S. Griggs, Rudolf Mathon: Steiner systems S(5, 6, v) with v = 72 and 84. Math. Comput. 67(221): 357-359 (1998)
9 Rudolf Mathon, Tran van Trung: Unitals and Unitary Polarities in Symmetric Designs. Des. Codes Cryptography 10(2): 237-250 (1997)
8 Rudolf Mathon, Gordon F. Royle: The Translation Planes of Order 49. Des. Codes Cryptography 5(1): 57-72 (1995)
7EECharles J. Colbourn, Rudolf Mathon, Alexander Rosa, Nabil Shalaby: The fine structure of threefold triple systems: u = 1 or 3 (mod 6). Discrete Mathematics 92(1-3): 49-64 (1991)
6EEEarl S. Kramer, Spyros S. Magliveras, Rudolf Mathon: The Steiner systems S(2, 4, 25) with nontrivial automorphism group. Discrete Mathematics 77(1-3): 137-157 (1989)
5EERudolf Mathon, Alexander Rosa: On the (15, 5, lambda)-family of BIBDs. Discrete Mathematics 77(1-3): 205-216 (1989)
4EERudolf Mathon: On self-complementary strongly regular graphs. Discrete Mathematics 69(3): 263-281 (1988)
3EERudolf Mathon: Lower bounds for Ramsey numbers and association schemes. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 42(1): 122-127 (1987)
2 Rudolf Mathon: A New Strongly Regular Graph. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 38(1): 84-86 (1985)
1 Rudolf Mathon: A Note on the Graph Isomorphism counting Problem. Inf. Process. Lett. 8(3): 131-132 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1Charles J. Colbourn [7]
2Greg Gamble [20]
3Mike J. Grannell [10]
4Brenton D. Gray [17]
5Terry S. Griggs [10]
6Nicholas Hamilton [12] [13] [18]
7Earl S. Kramer [6]
8Spyros S. Magliveras [6]
9Tony Moran [17]
10Alexander Rosa [5] [7]
11Gordon F. Royle [8]
12Nabil Shalaby [7]
13Anne Penfold Street [15] [16] [17] [19] [20]
14Tran van Trung [9] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)