Volume 41,
- Thomas G. McLaughlin:
Existentially Complete Nerode Semirings.
1-14 BibTeX
- Michael Zakharyaschev, Alexander Alekseev:
All Finitely Axiomatizable Normal Extensions of K4.3 are Decidable.
15-23 BibTeX
- Antonio J. Rodríguez Salas, Francisco M. García Olmedo:
Temporal Algebras, Pretemporal Algebras, and Modal Algebras: A Relation between Time and Necessity.
24-38 BibTeX
- Akira Kanda:
Acceptable Numerations of Morphisms and Myhill-Shepherdson Property.
39-48 BibTeX
- Kurt Engesser:
Some Connections between Topological and Modal Logic.
49-64 BibTeX
- Giovanna D'Agostino, Mario Magnago:
Complete, Recursively Enumerable Relations in Arithmetic.
65-72 BibTeX
- Heinrich Wansing:
Tarskian Structured Consequence Relations and Functional Completeness.
73-92 BibTeX
- Bruno Poizat, Tolende G. Mustafin:
93-110 BibTeX
- Gregory L. McColm:
Dimension Versus Number of Variables, and Connectivity, too.
111-134 BibTeX
- Teresa Bigorajska:
On Sigma1-definable Functions Provably Total in I-Pi1-.
135-137 BibTeX
- Henryk Kotlarski, Bozena Piekart:
Automorphisms of Countable Recursively Saturated Models of PA: Open Subgroups and Invariant Cuts.
138-142 BibTeX
- Frank P. Weber:
Invariant Constructions of Simple and Maximal Sets.
143-160 BibTeX
- Ruggero Ferro, Stefano Baratella:
Non Standard Regular Finite Set Theory.
161-172 BibTeX
- Stanley Burris:
Polynormal Time Uniform Word Problems.
173-182 BibTeX
- Hisato Muraki:
Local Density of Kleene Degrees.
183-189 BibTeX
- Klaus Denecke:
Hybrid Identities and Hybrid Equational Logic.
190-196 BibTeX
- Hajnal Andréka, Ivo Düntsch, István Németi:
Binary Relations and Permutation Groups.
197-216 BibTeX
- Maciej Kandulski:
On Commutative and Nonassociative Syntactic Calculi and Categorial Grammars.
217-235 BibTeX
- Esko Turunen:
Well-Defined Fuzzy Sentential Logic.
236-248 BibTeX
- Antonio J. Rodríguez Salas, Francisco M. García Olmedo:
A Structure Theorem for Free Temporal Algebras.
249-256 BibTeX
- Peter Zahn:
A Nonstandard Delta Fundion in a Predicative Theory.
257-260 BibTeX
- Dietmar Schuchardt, Hans-Dietrich Hecker:
Two NP-Hard Art-Gallery Problems for Ortho-Polygons.
261-267 BibTeX
- Gérard Lopez, Youssef Boudabbous:
La relation différence et l'anti-isomorphie.
268-280 BibTeX
- Klaus Meer:
On the Relations Between Discrete and Continuous Complexity Theory.
281-286 BibTeX
- Allyson Tripp, Alistair H. Lachlan:
Finite Homogeneous 3-Graphs.
287-306 BibTeX
- Valeriy K. Bulitko:
On Some Complexity Characteristics of Immune Sets.
307-313 BibTeX
- Erik Palmgren:
The Friedman-Translation for Martin-Löf's Type Theory.
314-326 BibTeX
- Jeffrey B. Remmel, Douglas A. Cenzer:
Feasible Graphs and Colorings.
327-352 BibTeX
- Akito Tsuboi, Koichiro Ikeda:
Almost Total Elementary Maps.
353-361 BibTeX
- Sven Ove Hansson:
Some Solved and Unsolved Remainder Equations.
362-368 BibTeX
- Stan J. Surma:
An Axiomatisation of the Conditionals of Post's Many Valued Logics.
369-372 BibTeX
- Alberto Marcone:
The Set of Better Quasi Orderings is Pi21-complete.
373-383 BibTeX
- Victor Pambuccian:
Ternary Operations as Primitive Notions for Constructive Plane Geometry VI.
384-394 BibTeX
- Heinrich Rolletschek:
Some New Lattice Constructions in High R. E. Degrees.
395-430 BibTeX
- Daniel Dzierzgowski:
Constants in Kripke Models for Intuitionistic Logic.
431-441 BibTeX
- Alexej P. Pynko:
Characterizing Belnap's Logic via De Morgans's Laws.
442-454 BibTeX
- Dany Serrato, Jean-Pierre Olivier:
Initial Objects, Universal Objects for Squares, Equivalences and Congruences in Relation Semi-Algebras and Algebras.
455-475 BibTeX
- Kees Trautwein, Erik Aarts:
Non-associative Lambek Categorial Grammar in Polynormal Time.
476-484 BibTeX
- Regina Aragón:
Some Boolean Algebras with Finitely Many Distinguished Ideals I.
485-504 BibTeX
- Karim Nour:
A General Type for Storage Operators.
505-514 BibTeX
- Grzegorz Michalski:
Relatively Recursively Enumerable Versus Relatively Sigma1 in Models of Peano Arithmetic.
515-522 BibTeX
- David DeVidi:
Intuitionistic epsilon- and tau-calculi.
523-546 BibTeX
- Maurizio Fattorosi-Barnaba, Silvano Grassotti:
An Infinitary Graded Modal Logic (Graded Modalities VI).
547-563 BibTeX
- Charles G. Morgan:
A Gap Cohomology Group.
564-570 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:13:42 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)