
Heinrich Rolletschek

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10 Heinrich Rolletschek: Some New Lattice Constructions in High R. E. Degrees. Math. Log. Q. 41: 395-430 (1995)
9 Heinrich Rolletschek: A Variant of the Notion of Semicreative Set. Math. Log. Q. 39: 33-46 (1993)
8 Heinrich Rolletschek: Shortest Division Chains in Imaginary Quadratic Number Fields. J. Symb. Comput. 9(3): 321-354 (1990)
7 Heinrich Rolletschek: Shortest Division Chains in Imaginary Quadratic Number Fields. ISSAC 1988: 231-243
6 Heinrich Rolletschek: On the Number of Divisions of the Euclidean Algorithm Applied to Gaussian Integers. J. Symb. Comput. 2(3): 261-291 (1986)
5 Erich Kaltofen, Heinrich Rolletschek: Arithmetic in Quadratic Fields with Unique Factorization. European Conference on Computer Algebra (2) 1985: 279-288
4EEFranz Winkler, Bruno Buchberger, Franz Lichtenberger, Heinrich Rolletschek: Algorithm 628: An Algorithm for Constructing Canonical Bases of Polynomial Ideals. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 11(1): 66-78 (1985)
3 Paliath Narendran, Colm Ó'Dúnlaing, Heinrich Rolletschek: Complexity of Certain Decision Problems about Congruential Languages. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 30(3): 343-358 (1985)
2 Heinrich Rolletschek: The Euclidean algorithm for Gaussian integers. EUROCAL 1983: 12-23
1 Heinrich Rolletschek: Closure Properties of Almost-Finiteness Classes in Recursive Function Theory. J. Symb. Log. 48(3): 756-763 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Bruno Buchberger [4]
2Erich Kaltofen [5]
3Franz Lichtenberger [4]
4Paliath Narendran [3]
5Colm Ó'Dúnlaing [3]
6Franz Winkler [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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