Douglas Cenzer
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ
2008 | ||
48 | EE | Douglas A. Cenzer, Rebecca Weber: Preface. Arch. Math. Log. 46(7-8): 529-531 (2008) |
47 | EE | George Barmpalias, Paul Brodhead, Douglas A. Cenzer, Jeffrey B. Remmel, Rebecca Weber: Algorithmic randomness of continuous functions. Arch. Math. Log. 46(7-8): 533-546 (2008) |
46 | EE | Paul Brodhead, Douglas A. Cenzer: Effectively closed sets and enumerations. Arch. Math. Log. 46(7-8): 565-582 (2008) |
45 | EE | Douglas A. Cenzer, Peter G. Hinman: Degrees of difficulty of generalized r.e. separating classes. Arch. Math. Log. 46(7-8): 629-647 (2008) |
44 | EE | Douglas Cenzer, S. Ali Dashti, Jonathan L. F. King: Effective Symbolic Dynamics. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 202: 89-99 (2008) |
43 | EE | Douglas Cenzer, S. Ali Dashti, Jonathan L. F. King: Computable symbolic dynamics. Math. Log. Q. 54(5): 460-469 (2008) |
2007 | ||
42 | EE | George Barmpalias, Douglas A. Cenzer, Jeffrey B. Remmel, Rebecca Weber: K -Trivial Closed Sets and Continuous Functions. CiE 2007: 135-145 |
41 | EE | Douglas A. Cenzer, Geoffrey LaForte, Guohua Wu: Pseudojump Operators and P01 Classes. CiE 2007: 146-151 |
40 | EE | Douglas Cenzer, Ruth Dillhage, Tanja Grubba, Klaus Weihrauch: Preface. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 167: 1-2 (2007) |
39 | EE | Douglas Cenzer, Peter G. Hinman: Medvedev Degrees of Generalized R.E. separating Classes. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 167: 203-223 (2007) |
38 | EE | Paul Brodhead, Douglas Cenzer, Jeffrey B. Remmel: Random Continuous Functions. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 167: 275-287 (2007) |
37 | EE | George Barmpalias, Paul Brodhead, Douglas Cenzer, Seyyed Dashti, Rebecca Weber: Algorithmic Randomness of Closed Sets. J. Log. Comput. 17(6): 1041-1062 (2007) |
2006 | ||
36 | EE | Paul Brodhead, Douglas Cenzer, Seyyed Dashti: Random Closed Sets. CiE 2006: 55-64 |
35 | EE | Douglas Cenzer, Zia Uddin: Logspace Complexity of Functions and Structures. CiE 2006: 75-84 |
34 | EE | Wesley Calvert, Douglas Cenzer, Valentina S. Harizanov, Andrei S. Morozov: Effective categoricity of equivalence structures. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 141(1-2): 61-78 (2006) |
33 | EE | Douglas A. Cenzer, Jeffrey B. Remmel: On the complexity of inductive definitions. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 16(5): 763-788 (2006) |
2005 | ||
32 | EE | Douglas A. Cenzer, Jeffrey B. Remmel: The Complexity of Inductive Definability. CiE 2005: 75-85 |
31 | EE | Douglas A. Cenzer, Jeffrey B. Remmel, Victor W. Marek: Logic programming with infinite sets. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 44(4): 309-339 (2005) |
30 | EE | Douglas Cenzer, Farzan Riazati: Minimal extensions of Pi01 classes. Math. Log. Q. 51(2): 206-216 (2005) |
2004 | ||
29 | EE | Douglas A. Cenzer, V. Wiktor Marek, Jeffrey B. Remmel: Using Logic Programs to Reason about Infinite Sets. AMAI 2004 |
28 | EE | Douglas A. Cenzer, Jeffrey B. Remmel, Amy Vanderbilt: Locally Determined Logic Programs and Recursive Stable Models. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 40(3-4): 225-262 (2004) |
27 | EE | Douglas Cenzer, Jeffrey B. Remmel: Index sets for computable differential equations. Math. Log. Q. 50(4-5): 329-344 (2004) |
2003 | ||
26 | EE | Douglas A. Cenzer, Peter G. Hinman: Density of the Medvedev lattice of Pi01 classes. Arch. Math. Log. 42(6): 583-600 (2003) |
25 | EE | Douglas A. Cenzer, Jeffrey B. Remmel: Index sets for omega-languages. Math. Log. Q. 49(1): 22-33 (2003) |
2002 | ||
24 | EE | Douglas A. Cenzer, Amy Vanderbilt: Common Derivations in Locally Determined Logic Programs. AMAI 2002 |
23 | EE | Douglas A. Cenzer, Jeffrey B. Remmel: Effectively closed sets and graphs of computable real functions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 284(2): 279-318 (2002) |
2001 | ||
22 | Douglas A. Cenzer, André Nies: Initial Segments of The Lattice of PI01 Classes. J. Symb. Log. 66(4): 1749-1765 (2001) | |
2000 | ||
21 | EE | Douglas A. Cenzer, Jeffrey B. Remmel, Amy Vanderbilt: Characterizing the Set of Extensions of a Nonmonotonic Rule System with Levels. AMAI 2000 |
1999 | ||
20 | EE | Douglas A. Cenzer, Jeffrey B. Remmel, Amy Vanderbilt: Locally Determined Logic Programs. LPNMR 1999: 34-48 |
19 | EE | Douglas A. Cenzer, Jeffrey B. Remmel: Index Sets in Computable Analysis. Theor. Comput. Sci. 219(1-2): 111-150 (1999) |
1998 | ||
18 | Douglas A. Cenzer, William R. Moser: A Good Oracle Is Hard to Beat. Algorithmica 22(1/2): 18-34 (1998) | |
17 | Douglas A. Cenzer, Jeffrey B. Remmel: Preface. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 93(1-3): 1-2 (1998) | |
16 | Douglas A. Cenzer, Jeffrey B. Remmel: Index Sets for Pi01 Classes. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 93(1-3): 3-61 (1998) | |
15 | Douglas A. Cenzer, Jeffrey B. Remmel: Feasible Graphs with Standard Universe. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 94(1-3): 21-35 (1998) | |
14 | Douglas A. Cenzer, Jeffrey B. Remmel: Complexity and Categoricity. Inf. Comput. 140(1): 2-25 (1998) | |
1995 | ||
13 | EE | Douglas A. Cenzer, William R. Moser: Inductive Inference of Functions on the Rationals. COLT 1995: 178-181 |
12 | Jeffrey B. Remmel, Douglas A. Cenzer: Feasible Graphs and Colorings. Math. Log. Q. 41: 327-352 (1995) | |
1994 | ||
11 | Douglas A. Cenzer, Jeffrey B. Remmel: Feasibly Categorial Models. LCC 1994: 300-312 | |
1993 | ||
10 | Douglas A. Cenzer, Rodney G. Downey, Carl G. Jockusch Jr., Richard A. Shore: Countable Thin Pi01 Classes. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 59(2): 79-139 (1993) | |
1992 | ||
9 | Douglas A. Cenzer, Jeffrey B. Remmel: Polynomial-Time Abelian Groups. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 56(1-3): 313-363 (1992) | |
1991 | ||
8 | Douglas A. Cenzer, Jeffrey B. Remmel: Polynomial-Time versus Recursive Models. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 54(1): 17-58 (1991) | |
1989 | ||
7 | Douglas A. Cenzer, Rick L. Smith: On the Ranked Points of A pi01 Set. J. Symb. Log. 54(3): 975-991 (1989) | |
1984 | ||
6 | Douglas A. Cenzer: Monotone Reducibility and the Family of Infinite Sets. J. Symb. Log. 49(3): 774-782 (1984) | |
1980 | ||
5 | Douglas A. Cenzer: Non-generable formal languages. Fundam. Inform. 3(1): 95-104 (1980) | |
1977 | ||
4 | Douglas A. Cenzer: Non-Generable RE Sets. FCT 1977: 379-385 | |
1976 | ||
3 | Douglas A. Cenzer: Monotone Inductive Definitions over the Continuum. J. Symb. Log. 41(1): 188-198 (1976) | |
1974 | ||
2 | Douglas A. Cenzer: Analytic Inductive Definitions. J. Symb. Log. 39(2): 310-312 (1974) | |
1 | Andreas Blass, Douglas A. Cenzer: Cores of pi11 Sets of Reals. J. Symb. Log. 39(4): 649-654 (1974) |
1 | George Barmpalias | [37] [42] [47] |
2 | Andreas Blass | [1] |
3 | Paul Brodhead | [36] [37] [38] [46] [47] |
4 | Wesley Calvert | [34] |
5 | S. Ali Dashti | [43] [44] |
6 | Seyyed Dashti | [36] [37] |
7 | Ruth Dillhage | [40] |
8 | Rodney G. Downey (Rod Downey) | [10] |
9 | Tanja Grubba | [40] |
10 | Valentina S. Harizanov | [34] |
11 | Peter G. Hinman | [26] [39] [45] |
12 | Carl G. Jockusch Jr. | [10] |
13 | Jonathan L. F. King | [43] [44] |
14 | Geoffrey LaForte | [41] |
15 | Victor W. Marek (V. Wiktor Marek) | [29] [31] |
16 | Andrei S. Morozov | [34] |
17 | William R. Moser | [13] [18] |
18 | André Nies | [22] |
19 | Jeffrey B. Remmel | [8] [9] [11] [12] [14] [15] [16] [17] [19] [20] [21] [23] [25] [27] [28] [29] [31] [32] [33] [38] [42] [47] |
20 | Farzan Riazati | [30] |
21 | Richard A. Shore | [10] |
22 | Rick L. Smith | [7] |
23 | Zia Uddin | [35] |
24 | Amy Vanderbilt | [20] [21] [24] [28] |
25 | Rebecca Weber | [37] [42] [47] [48] |
26 | Klaus Weihrauch | [40] |
27 | Guohua Wu | [41] |