
Akito Tsuboi

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15EEByunghan Kim, Alexei S. Kolesnikov, Akito Tsuboi: Generalized amalgamation and n-simplicity. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 155(2): 97-114 (2008)
14EEMakoto Kobayashi, Akito Tsuboi: A note on stationarity of types over models in simple theories. Math. Log. Q. 54(6): 625-628 (2008)
13EEKazuma Ikeda, Akito Tsuboi: Nonstandard models that are definable in models of Peano Arithmetic. Math. Log. Q. 53(1): 27-37 (2007)
12EEMasahiko Murakami, Akito Tsuboi: Expanding the additive reduct of a model of Peano arithmetic. Math. Log. Q. 49(4): 363-368 (2003)
11 Saharon Shelah, Akito Tsuboi: Definability of Initial Segments. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 43(2): 65-73 (2002)
10EEAkito Tsuboi: Random Amalgamation of Simple Theories. Math. Log. Q. 47(1): 45-50 (2001)
9 Koichiro Ikeda, Anand Pillay, Akito Tsuboi: On Theories Having Three Countable Models. Math. Log. Q. 44: 161-166 (1998)
8 Akito Tsuboi, Kentaro Wakai: On Interpretability of Almost Linear Orderings. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39(3): 325-331 (1998)
7 Anand Pillay, Akito Tsuboi: Amalgamations Preserving aleph0-Categoricity. J. Symb. Log. 62(4): 1070-1074 (1997)
6 Akito Tsuboi, Koichiro Ikeda: Almost Total Elementary Maps. Math. Log. Q. 41: 353-361 (1995)
5 Hirotaka Kikyo, Akito Tsuboi: On Reduction Properties. J. Symb. Log. 59(3): 900-911 (1994)
4 Akito Tsuboi: Algebraic Types and Automorphism Groups. J. Symb. Log. 58(1): 232-239 (1993)
3 Akito Tsuboi: Strongly 2-Dimensional Theories. J. Symb. Log. 53(3): 931-936 (1988)
2 Akito Tsuboi: On Theories Having a Finite Number of Nonisomorphic Countable Models. J. Symb. Log. 50(3): 806-808 (1985)
1 Akito Tsuboi: On the Number of Independent Partitions. J. Symb. Log. 50(3): 809-814 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Kazuma Ikeda [13]
2Koichiro Ikeda [6] [9]
3Hirotaka Kikyo [5]
4Byunghan Kim [15]
5Makoto Kobayashi [14]
6Alexei S. Kolesnikov [15]
7Masahiko Murakami [12]
8Anand Pillay [7] [9]
9Saharon Shelah [11]
10Kentaro Wakai [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)