Volume 62,
Number 1,
March 1997
Volume 62,
Number 2,
June 1997
LICS 1993
Volume 62,
Number 3,
September 1997
- Thierry Coquand:
Minimal Invariant Spaces in Formal Topology.
689-698 BibTeX
- Jirí Adámek, Peter T. Johnstone, Johann A. Makowsky, Jirí Rosický:
Finitary Sketches.
699-707 BibTeX
- Maria Luisa Bonet, Toniann Pitassi, Ran Raz:
Lower Bounds for Cutting Planes Proofs with Small Coefficients.
708-728 BibTeX
- Sabine Broda, Luís Damas:
Compact Bracket Abstraction in Combinatory Logic.
729-740 BibTeX
- Douglas R. Burke:
Precipitous Towers of Normal Filters.
741-754 BibTeX
- Vincent Danos, Jean-Baptiste Joinet, Harold Schellinx:
A New Deconstructive Logic: Linear Logic.
755-807 BibTeX
- Sy D. Friedman:
Coding without Fine Structure.
808-815 BibTeX
- Robin Hirsch, Ian M. Hodkinson:
Complete Representations in Algebraic Logic.
816-847 BibTeX
- Shmuel Lifsches, Saharon Shelah:
Peano Arithmetic Maybe Not Be Interpretable in the Monadic Theory of Linear Orders.
848-872 BibTeX
- S. J. Mcleish:
The Forth Part of the Back and Forth Map in Countable Homogeneous Structures.
873-890 BibTeX
- Jirí Rosický:
Accessible Categories, Saturation and Categoricity.
891-901 BibTeX
- Saharon Shelah, Simon Thomas:
The Cofinality Spectrum of the Infinite Symmetric Group.
902-916 BibTeX
- Miklós Erdélyi-Szabó:
Decidability of Scott's Model as an Ordered Q-Vectorspace.
917-924 BibTeX
- Alan R. Woods:
Counting Finite Models.
925-949 BibTeX
- Michael Zakharyaschev:
Canonical Formulas for K4, Part III: The Finite Model Property.
950-975 BibTeX
- Marion Scheepers:
Rothberger's Property and Partition Relations.
976-980 BibTeX
- Pavel Pudlák:
Lower Bounds for Resolution and Cutting Plane Proofs and Monotone Computations.
981-998 BibTeX
- Juha Oikkonen:
Undefinability of kappa-Well-Orderings in Linfty kappa.
999-1020 BibTeX
- Erik Palmgren, Viggo Stoltenberg-Hansen:
A Logical Presentation of the Continuous Functionals.
1021-1034 BibTeX
Volume 62,
Number 4,
December 1997
- Philip Kremer:
Defining Relevant Implication in a Propositionally Quantified S4.
1057-1069 BibTeX
- Anand Pillay, Akito Tsuboi:
Amalgamations Preserving aleph0-Categoricity.
1070-1074 BibTeX
- Deirdre Haskell, Dugald Macpherson:
A Version of o-Minimality for the p-adics.
1075-1092 BibTeX
- Jan E. Holly:
Prototypes for Definable Subsets of Algebraically Closed Value Fields.
1093-1141 BibTeX
- Gerhard Jäger:
Power Types in Explicit Mathematics.
1142-1146 BibTeX
- Dirk van Dalen:
How Connected Is the Intuitionistic Continuum?
1147-1150 BibTeX
- Martin Gilchrist, Saharon Shelah:
The Consistency of ZFC + 2aleph0 > alephomega + F(aleph2) = F(alephomega).
1151-1160 BibTeX
- Noa Goldring:
The Entire NS Ideal on Pgammaµ Can Be Precipitous.
1161-1172 BibTeX
- Ricardo Bianconi:
Nondefiniability Results for Expansions of the Field of Real Numbers by the Exponential Function and by the Restricted Sine Function.
1173-1178 BibTeX
- Heike Mildenberger:
Non-Constructive Galois-Tukey Connections.
1179-1186 BibTeX
- Sanjay Jain, Arun Sharma:
The Structure of Intrinsic Complexity of Learning.
1187-1201 BibTeX
- Yves Lafont:
The Finite Model Property for Various Fragments of Linear Logic.
1202-1208 BibTeX
- Andrea Asperti, Agata Ciabattoni:
A Sufficient Condition for Completability of Partial Combinatory Algebras.
1209-1214 BibTeX
- Rodney G. Downey, Steffen Lempp:
Contiguity and Distributivity in the Enumerable Turing Degrees.
1215-1240 BibTeX
- Renling Jin:
Type Two Cuts, Bad Cuts and Very Bad Cuts.
1241-1252 BibTeX
- Marion Scheepers, William Weiss:
Variations on a Game of Gale (III): Remainder Strategies.
1253-1264 BibTeX
- J. L. Bell:
Zorn's Lemma and Complete Boolean Algebras in Intuitionistic Type Theories.
1265-1279 BibTeX
- Alexis Bès:
Undecidable Extensions of Büchi Arithmetic and Cobham-Semënov Theorem.
1280-1296 BibTeX
- Andrzej Roslanowski, Saharon Shelah:
Simple Forcing Notions and Forcing Axioms.
1297-1314 BibTeX
- Sara Negri, Silvio Valentini:
Tychonoff's Theorem in the Framework of Formal Topologies.
1315-1332 BibTeX
- Vladimir Kanovei:
An Ulm-Type Classification Theorem for Equivalence Relations in Solovay Model.
1333-1351 BibTeX
- Eric Martin, Daniel N. Osherson:
Scientific Discovery Based on Belief Revision.
1352-1370 BibTeX
- Vann McGee:
The Complexity of the Modal Predicate Logic of ``True in Every Transitive Model of ZF''.
1371-1378 BibTeX
- Joan Bagaria, W. Hugh Woodin:
~Delta1n Sets of Reals.
1379-1428 BibTeX
- Carlo Toffalori:
Wildness Implies Undecidability for Lattices over Group Rings.
1429-1447 BibTeX
- Ieke Moerdijk, Erik Palmgren:
Minimal Models of Heyting Arithmetic.
1448-1460 BibTeX
- Michel Parigot:
Proofs of Strong Normalisation for Second Order Classical Natural Deduction.
1461-1479 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:11:56 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)