
Sara Negri

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19EERaul Hakli, Sara Negri: Proof Theory for Distributed Knowledge. CLIMA VIII 2007: 100-116
18EERoy Dyckhoff, Sara Negri: Decision methods for linearly ordered Heyting algebras. Arch. Math. Log. 45(4): 411-422 (2006)
17EESara Negri: Permutability of Rules for Linear Lattices. J. UCS 11(12): 1986-1995 (2005)
16EESara Negri, Jan von Plato, Thierry Coquand: Proof-theoretical analysis of order relations. Arch. Math. Log. 43(3): 297-310 (2004)
15EESara Negri, Jan von Plato: Proof systems for lattice theory. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 14(4): 507-526 (2004)
14EESara Negri: Contraction-free sequent calculi for geometric theories with an application to Barr's theorem. Arch. Math. Log. 42(4): 389-401 (2003)
13EESara Negri: A normalizing system of natural deduction for intuitionistic linear logic. Arch. Math. Log. 41(8): 789-810 (2002)
12 Sara Negri: Continuous Domains as Formal Spaces. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 12(1): 19-52 (2002)
11 Sara Negri, Jan von Plato: Sequent Calculus in Natural Deduction Style. J. Symb. Log. 66(4): 1803-1816 (2001)
10EERoy Dyckhoff, Sara Negri: Admissibility of Structural Rules for Extensions of Contraction-Free Sequent Calculi. Logic Journal of the IGPL 9(4): (2001)
9 Roy Dyckhoff, Sara Negri: Admissibility of Structural Rules for Contraction-Free Systems of Intuitionistic Logic. J. Symb. Log. 65(4): 1499-1518 (2000)
8EESara Negri, Daniele Soravia: The continuum as a formal space. Arch. Math. Log. 38(7): 423-447 (1999)
7EESara Negri: Sequent calculus proof theory of intuitionistic apartness and order relations. Arch. Math. Log. 38(8): 521-547 (1999)
6EESara Negri, Jan von Plato: From Kripke Models to Algebraic Counter-Valuations. TABLEAUX 1998: 247-261
5EESara Negri, Jan von Plato: Cut elimination in the presence of axioms. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 4(4): 418-435 (1998)
4 Sara Negri, Silvio Valentini: Tychonoff's Theorem in the Framework of Formal Topologies. J. Symb. Log. 62(4): 1315-1332 (1997)
3 Sara Negri: Continous Lattices in Formal Topology. TYPES 1996: 333-353
2EEJan Cederquist, Sara Negri: A Constructive Proof of the Heine-Borel Covering Theorem for Formal Reals. TYPES 1995: 62-75
1 Sara Negri: Semantical Observations on the Embedding of Intuitionistic Logic into Intuitionistic Linear Logic. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 5(1): 41-68 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1J. G. Cederquist (Jan Cederquist) [2]
2Thierry Coquand [16]
3Roy Dyckhoff [9] [10] [18]
4Raul Hakli [19]
5Jan von Plato [5] [6] [11] [15] [16]
6Daniele Soravia [8]
7Silvio Valentini [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)