
Elizabeth Scott

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24EEGregory Gutin, Adrian Johnstone, Joseph Reddington, Elizabeth Scott, Anders Yeo: An Algorithm for Finding Input-Output Constrained Convex Sets in an Acyclic Digraph. WG 2008: 206-217
23EEElizabeth Scott: SPPF-Style Parsing From Earley Recognisers. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 203(2): 53-67 (2008)
22EEElizabeth Scott, Adrian Johnstone, Giorgios Economopoulos: BRNGLR: a cubic Tomita-style GLR parsing algorithm. Acta Inf. 44(6): 427-461 (2007)
21EEPaul N. Balister, Stefanie Gerke, Gregory Gutin, Adrian Johnstone, Joseph Reddington, Elizabeth Scott, A. Soleimanfallah, Anders Yeo: Algorithms for Generating Convex Sets in Acyclic Digraphs CoRR abs/0712.2661: (2007)
20EEAdrian Johnstone, Elizabeth Scott: Automatic recursion engineering of reduction incorporated parsers. Sci. Comput. Program. 68(2): 95-110 (2007)
19EEAdrian Johnstone, Elizabeth Scott: Proofs and pedagogy; science and systems: The grammar tool box. Sci. Comput. Program. 69(1-3): 76-85 (2007)
18EEElizabeth Scott, Adrian Johnstone: Right nulled GLR parsers. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 28(4): 577-618 (2006)
17EEAdrian Johnstone, Elizabeth Scott, Giorgios Economopoulos: Evaluating GLR parsing algorithms. Sci. Comput. Program. 61(3): 228-244 (2006)
16EEElizabeth Scott, Adrian Johnstone: Generalized Bottom Up Parsers With Reduced Stack Activity. Comput. J. 48(5): 565-587 (2005)
15EEAdrian Johnstone, Elizabeth Scott: Recursion Engineering for Reduction Incorporated Parsers. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 141(4): 143-160 (2005)
14EEAdrian Johnstone, Elizabeth Scott, Giorgios Economopoulos: Generalised Parsing: Some Costs. CC 2004: 89-103
13EEAdrian Johnstone, Elizabeth Scott: Suppression of Redundant Operations in Reverse Compiled Code Using Global Dataflow Analysis. SCOPES 2004: 92-106
12EEElizabeth Scott, Adrian Johnstone: Reducing non-determinism in right nulled GLR parsers. Acta Inf. 40(6-7): 459-489 (2004)
11EEAdrian Johnstone, Elizabeth Scott, Giorgios Economopoulos: The GTB and PAT tools. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 110: 173-175 (2004)
10EEAdrian Johnstone, Elizabeth Scott, Giorgios Economopoulos: The Grammar Tool Box: A Case Study Comparing GLR Parsing Algorithms. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 110: 97-113 (2004)
9EEAdrian Johnstone, Elizabeth Scott: Generalised Regular Parsers. CC 2003: 232-246
8EEAdrian Johnstone, Elizabeth Scott: Generalised Reduction Modified LR Parsing for Domain Specific Language Prototyping. HICSS 2002: 282
7EEAdrian Johnstone, Elizabeth Scott, Tim Womack: What Assembly Language Programmers Get Up To: Control Flow Challenges in Reverse Compilation. CSMR 2000: 83-92
6EEAdrian Johnstone, Elizabeth Scott, Tim Womack: Reverse Compilation for Digital Signal Processors: A Working Example. HICSS 2000
5EEAdrian Johnstone, Elizabeth Scott, Tim Womack: Experience Paper: Reverse Compilation of Digital Signal Processor Assembler Source to ANSI-C. ICSM 1999: 316-325
4 Adrian Johnstone, Elizabeth Scott: Generalised Recursive Descent parsing and Fellow-Determinism. CC 1998: 16-30
3 Adrian Johnstone, Elizabeth Scott: rdp - An Iterator-Based Recursive Descent Parser Generator with Tree Promotion Operators. SIGPLAN Notices 33(9): 87-94 (1998)
2 Ursula Martin, Elizabeth Scott: The Order Types of Termination Orderings on Monadic Terms, Strings and Multisets. J. Symb. Log. 62(2): 624-635 (1997)
1 Ursula Martin, Elizabeth Scott: The order types of termination orderings on monadic terms, strings and multisets LICS 1993: 356-363

Coauthor Index

1Paul N. Balister (Paul Balister) [21]
2Giorgios Economopoulos (Giorgios Rob Economopoulos) [10] [11] [14] [17] [22]
3Stefanie Gerke [21]
4Gregory Gutin [21] [24]
5Adrian Johnstone [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [24]
6Ursula Martin [1] [2]
7Joseph Reddington [21] [24]
8A. Soleimanfallah [21]
9Tim Womack [5] [6] [7]
10Anders Yeo [21] [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)