
Patrick T. Homer

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5EEPatrick T. Homer, Richard D. Schlichting: Configuring scientific applications in a heterogeneous distributed system. Distributed Systems Engineering 3(3): 173-184 (1996)
4EEAbdollah A. Afjeh, Patrick T. Homer, Henry Lewandowski, John A. Reed, Richard D. Schlichting: Development of an intelligent monitoring and control system for a heterogeneous numerical propulsion system simulation. Annual Simulation Symposium 1995: 278-287
3EEPatrick T. Homer, Richard D. Schlichting: Using Schooner to support distribution and heterogeneity in the Numerical Propulsion System Simulation project. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 6(4): 271-287 (1994)
2 Patrick T. Homer, Richard D. Schlichting: A Software Platform for Constructing Scientific Applications from Heterogeneous Resources. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 21(3): 301-315 (1994)
1 Patrick T. Homer, Richard D. Schlichting: Supporting Heterogeneity and Distribution in the Numerical Propulsion System. HPDC 1993: 187-195

Coauthor Index

1Abdollah A. Afjeh [4]
2Henry Lewandowski [4]
3John A. Reed [4]
4Richard D. Schlichting [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)